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Twenty Years of Crisis: The Violent Dissolution of Yugoslavia in International Law

ISBN13: 9780199566150
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Publication Abandoned

The Yugoslav crisis brought armed conflict to the heart of Europe.

It involved the dissolution of a state, internal armed conflict and external armed intervention, ethnic cleansing and probable genocide on a scale not seen since the second World War. These developments created complex challenges of state recognition, peace-keeping and peace enforcement, and humanitarian intervention.

This book investigates the international responses to these developments from the beginning of the crisis in 1988 to its provisional termination with the independence of Kosovo in 2008. The book critically examines the application of diplomatic and international legal tools to the dramatic events in the former Yugoslavia, and assesses the performance of the international agencies and governments involved. Moreover, it considers the impact of the episode on our understanding of the legal rules governing self-determination and secession, internal armed conflict and external intervention.

  • First comprehensive review of the entire Yugoslav episode providing a global understanding of the international response to the Yugoslav crisis and its impact on international law.
  • Detailed analysis of individual legal aspects of the crisis concerning statehood issues, peace-keeping and humanitarian intervention to aid understanding in relation to the impact of international action on the development of international practice in relation to specialist areas.
  • Based in part on first hand experiences of the pertinent events and negotiations, thus being able to offer novel insights on the basis of materials that are difficult to access or that are not in the public domain.

Public International Law, Legal History
Claims to Statehood and Constitutional Settlements
1: Independence for the Republics
Croatia and Slovenia
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia
Serbia and Montenegro
2: Kosovo
Removal of effective autonomy
Initial settlement proposals
The Ahrisaari process
Unilateral Independence
3: Autonomy settlements and Minority Rights
Autonomy elements and power-sharing in Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in Kosovo under international administration
Community rights in independent Kosovo
Peace-Keeping and Enforcement, and International Governance Missions
4: UNPROFOR in Croatia and in Bosnia and Herzegovina
5: UNPREDEP and Amber Fox in Macedonia
6: Transitional Governance Operations: Eastern Slavonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo
The Use of Judicial and Quasi-Judicial Remedies
7: International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
8: International Court of Justice
9: Human Rights Monitoring Bodies
Humanitarian Intervention
10: Kosovo