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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
The Sale of Goods 3rd ed isbn 9780199685110

The Sale of Goods 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9780199559770
New Edition ISBN: 9780199685110
Previous Edition ISBN: 0198765355
Published: March 2009
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

This new edition provides legal practitioners with a systematic analysis of the English law of domestic sale of goods, examining problem areas and offering practical solutions. It is fully updated to provide expanded commentary on significant new case law under the Sale of Goods Act and the European Directive on Guarantees in Consumer Sales.

Key Features

  • Tackles practical problems relating to termination clauses, new consumer buyer remedies and exclusion clauses and offers solutions to those issues
  • Thoughtful and analytical consideration of the law developing lines of argument on debated topics
  • Accessible exposition of the fundamental principles underlying the law of domestic sale of goods
  • Considerable appeal to both practitioners and graduate students as an essential point of reference
New to this edition
  • Appendices include the Sale of Goods Act, the Unfair Contract Terns Act 1977 and the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999
  • Updated to incorporate substantial developments in case law in the area of damages as well as acceptance under section 35 of the Sale of Goods Act
  • Contains detailed analysis of the different remedies available to consumer buyers in light of the European Directive on Guarantees in Consumer Sales

Commercial Law, Consumer Law
1. Introduction and Conclusion of the Contract
2. Definition and Subject Matter of the Sale of Goods Contract
3. The Passing of Property
4. Risk, Mistake and Frustration
5. Termination of the Contract for Breach
6. Delivery, Acceptance, and Payment
7. The Implied Terms of Description, Fitness, and Quality
8. Statements, Liability of Remote Sellers, and Exclusion Clauses
9. The Seller's Duty and Power to Transfer Title
10. The Remedies of the Seller and the Buyer