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Accountability for Human Rights Atrocities in International Law 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9780199546664
Previous Edition ISBN: 0199248338
Published: February 2009
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £110.00
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9780199546671

Despatched in 5 to 7 days.

The fall of dictatorial regimes and the eruption of destructive civil conflicts around the world have led to calls for holding individuals accountable for human rights atrocities. This book offers a comprehensive study of the promise and limitations of international criminal law as a means of enforcing international human rights and humanitarian law. It provides a searching analysis of the principal crimes under the law of nations, such as genocide and crimes against humanity and an appraisal of the most important prosecutorial and other mechanisms developed to bring individuals to justice. After applying their conclusions in a detailed case study, the authors offer a series of compelling conclusions on the prospects for accountability.

This fully updated new edition also contains expanded coverage of the increasing numbers of international criminal trials including the cases of Bosnia, Serbia, and East Timor. It also explores individual accountability for terrorist acts and accountability for acts undertaken in the name of counter-terrorism policy, and provides expanded coverage of aggression and crimes against peace.

  • Fully updated new edition of this renowned volume, whose subject matter continues to grow in topicality and importance
  • Provides comprehensive examinations of substantive law and legal institutions involved, including the growing numbers of international courts and tribunals
  • Analyses mechanisms for accountability
  • New examination of individual accountability for terrorist acts and accountability for acts undertaken in the name of counter-terrorism policy
  • Contains a classic case-study of the Khmer Rouge, now updated to cover the new tribunal for Cambodia
New to this edition

  • Significantly expanded coverage of the rapidly increasing numbers of international criminal courts and tribunals
  • Examines recent national trials including the cases of Bosnia, Serbia, and East Timor
  • New examination of individual accountability for terrorist acts and accountability for acts undertaken in the name of counter-terrorism policy
  • Expanded coverage of aggression and crimes against peace