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Money Laundering Law and Regulation: A Practical Guide

ISBN13: 9780199543038
New Edition ISBN: 9780198817963
Published: March 2011
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £140.00

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This new work provides a practical, comprehensive guide to domestic anti-money laundering law and regulation, increasingly seen as key weapons in the fight against serious and organised crime.

The authors explain the genesis of the current regime, placing it in its international and regional context. They go on to provide a detaile chapter-by-chapter analysis of the current law, explaining and analysing key concepts. The authors consider also 'the practice' of those tasked with prosecuting or defending offences.

The narrative is accompanied by carefully selected appendices.

  • Provides a detailed exposition of the relevant provision of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and the Terrorism Act 2000
  • Incorporates the Money Laundering Regulations 2007
  • Includes a review and analysis of the developing case law
  • Includes practical guidance on compliance with the Money Laundering Regulations 2007 and the preparation of Suspicious Activity Reports
  • Appendices include statutory material and Home Office guidance
  • Written by an expert team of barristers, including Robin Booth - Chair of the Law Society's Money Laundering Task Force and former head of the Fraud Division of the CPS

Criminal Law, Money Laundering
1. The Background to Anti-money Laundering Law and Regulation
2. Key Concepts in Money Laundering
3. Anti-money Laundering Law - The Statutory Framework
4. Disclosure Offences
5. Anti-money Laundering Regulation
6. The SARs Regime
7. Terrorist Financing and Money Laundering - Similarities and Dissimilarities
8. Cash Declarations Seizure and Forfeiture
9. Jurisdictional and International Aspects
10. The Law in Practice