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Financial Services Regulation in Asia Pacific 2nd ed

Edited by: Andrew Halper, Carl Hinze

ISBN13: 9780199532810
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781904501718
Published: October 2008
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £390.00

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This book outlines the financial services regulatory framework in 16 countries in the Asia Pacific region. Contributors from leading commercial law firms across the region provide a clear explanation of the relevant regulatory bodies and their powers, with consideration of the effects of each jurisdiction's national legislation.

This title is supported by two companion volumes covering Europe and the Middle East. The series describes the principle regulatory authorities that oversee the banking, insurance and securities activities within each country. A highly practical Questions and Answers section highlights the key issues of practical importance: What enforcement powers do the relevant authorities in each country have? What scope is there for foreign entities to conduct banking, insurance, securities activities and fund marketing activities in or into each country? What is the authorisation and registration process in each jurisidiction? Supporting commentary examines the nature and scope of the current regulation and prospective market developments.

The complete three volume series covers over 60 countries and is an essential reference point for those needing a practical insight into international financial services regulation and the regimes operating within jurisdictions other than their own.

  • Summary explanation of the relevant regulatory bodies and their powers in 16 countries in the Asia Pacific region, including extensive coverage of China
  • Country by country consideration of the key regulatory issues
  • Quick research section in a Questions and Answers format
  • Full commentary cross-referenced from and expanding on the Questions and Answers section
Originally announced, but not published, by Richmond Law & Tax with isbn: 9781904501831

Other Jurisdictions , Banking and Finance, Asia
1. Australia
2. Brunei Darussalam
3. China
4. Hong Kong SAR
5. India
6. Indonesia
7. Japan
8. Republic of Korea
9. Macau SAR
10. Malaysia
11. New Zealand
12. Singapore
13. Sri Lanka
14. Taiwan
15. Thailand
16. Vietnam;