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America's Military Biomedical Complex: Law, Ethics, and the Drive for Scientific Innovation

ISBN13: 9780199351459
To be Published: April 2025
Publisher: Oxford University Press USA
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Hardback
Price: £55.00

War is an engine of innovation. It has motivated extraordinary achievements in medicine and science, many of which have generated benefits far beyond the battlefield. These advancements, however, have come at great cost. Countless individuals have been exposed to hazardous research, often without their knowledge or consent. Cities, towns, and rural areas have been used as test sites for atomic, chemical, and biological warfare, causing widespread environmental damage and a myriad of health ailments in generations of Americans. Health professionals have been intimately involved in enhanced interrogation programs, while warfighters face an emerging scenario where biomedical enhancements may become essential elements of military missions. Laws and ethical codes have been rewritten to facilitate these endeavors and shield wrongful conduct from the public. Due to secrecy mandates, governmental immunities, and lackluster healthcare, many individuals harmed by these actions have been left without legal remedies or adequate means to address their injuries.

America's Military Biomedical Complex shows how the drive for scientific and military superiority has shifted the moral compass of government and society, detailing scores of examples where untoward conduct has been rationalized as necessary to promote national security and achieve military goals. The book traces the fascinating story of how laws and ethical codes have co-evolved with the nation's military science pursuits, dating back to the founding of America. Without passing retrospective judgment, it explores the moral calculus conducted by decision-makers at key moments in military science. This analysis reveals that officials were keenly aware of ethical dilemmas, but nonetheless chose to engage in risky (and sometimes unlawful) activities to further pressing national security goals. Coupled with this historical reflection, America's Military Biomedical Complex recommends policies that harmonize contemporary national security concerns with fundamental principles of justice and human dignity. It introduces the concept of jus in praeparatione bellum (justice in war preparations) a doctrine of restraint and responsibility that aims to elucidate just and unjust means of preparing for war.

Other Jurisdictions , USA

Part I.
1775-1917: Maintaining a Healthy Fighting Force
1:Military Medicine During the American Revolutionary War
2:Revolution to Civil War: Medical Struggles and Innovations
3:A Postbellum Renaissance in Military Medicine and Research
4:Military Medicine During World War I

Part II.
1917-1946: Beyond Disease Prevention and Medical Care
5:Chemical Warfare: Expanding the Scope of Military Medical Affairs
6:The Military Biomedical Complex During the Interwar Period
7:World War II: Transformational Developments in Military Medicine and Research
8:Chapter Eight: Justice at Nuremberg: Establishing Principles of Research Ethics

Part III.
1946-1991: Proliferation of the Military Research Enterprise
9:The Spoils of War: Exploiting the German and Japanese Research Enterprises
10:Radiation Experiments and Atomic Weapons Research
11:Expanding America's Biological and Chemical Warfare Programs
12:A Global Military Biomedical Establishment

Part IV.
1991-2023: From Protecting to Enhancing the Fighting Force
13:Military Medicine and the Persian Gulf War
14:New Laws to Facilitate the Development and Administration of Medical Countermeasures
15:Twenty-First Century Conflicts and the Military Biomedical Complex
16:Biomedical Enhancements and the Modern Warfighter
Part V. Looking Ahead:Jus in Praeparatione Bellum
17:Jus in Praeparatione Bellum:A Normative Framework
18:Recalibrating Regulatory Review and Strengthening the Medical Autonomy of Servicemembers
19:Standardizing and Expanding Military Science Ethics Review
20:Reformulating Governmental Immunities