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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Commercial Law: Text, Cases & Materials 5th ed isbn 9780199692088

Commercial Law: Text, Cases & Materials 4th ed

ISBN13: 9780199299034
New Edition ISBN: 9780199692088
Previous Edition ISBN: 0406950032
Published: September 2008
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Commercial Law: Text Cases and Materials has been an indispensable and hugely popular resource for students of law and business management for over ten years. Combining extracts from cases and other materials with substantial commentary and explanatory text, Sealy and Hooley provide context for the extracts, question their significance, and provide an authoritative guide to commercial law.

This book follows a very clear structure, discussing topics covered on commercial law courses not as separate entities, but as part of a coherent whole, enabling students to easily make links between different areas of the law. Fundamental concepts such as ownership, possession, and good faith run through the book, offering common themes connecting each area. The authors supply extensive commentary on key decisions, helping students to focus on the most important areas; also provided are European and American examples, ensuring that students have access to a comparative analysis of commercial law as it operates throughout the world.

Praised for the clarity of writing and mapping well onto a variety of courses, the emphasis throughout this book is on practical application - how is the law used in practice? Diagrams and questions enable students to check progress and consolidate understanding. Whilst maintaining the previous edition's successful structure and style, this edition takes into account all of the major changes in the law since 2003 and provides extracts from recent key cases.

Sealy and Hooley's Commercial Law brings together the best features of a textbook and casebook, making it an invaluable one-stop resource.

Commercial Law
1: Introduction
1. An Introduction to Commercial Law
2. Basic Concepts of Personal Property
2: The Law of Agency
3. Introduction
4. Creation of Agency and the Authority of the Agent
5. Relations with Third Parties
6. Relations between Principal and Agent
3: Domestic Sales Law
7. Introduction and Definitions
8. Passing of the Property in the Goods as between Seller and Buyer
9. Transfer of Title
10. Statutory Implied Terms
11. Performance of the Contract
12. Remedies of the Seller
13. Remedies of the Buyer
4: International Sales
14. International Sales
5: Bills of Exchange and Banking
15. Negotiable Instruments
16. Bills of Exchange
17. Banks and their Customers
18. Payment Systems
19. Cheques and Other Instruments
20. Payment Cards
6: The Financing of International Trade
21. The Financing of International Trade
22. Assignment of Choses in Action
23. Receivable Financing
7: Commercial Credit and Security
24. Introduction
25. Possessory Security
26. Non-possessory Security
27. Guarantees
8: Principles of Insurance Law
28. Insurance
9: Insolvency Law
29. Insolvency
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