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The Advocate General and EC Law

ISBN13: 9780199299003
Published: March 2007
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £100.00

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The prominence of the Advocate General is one of the most distinctive, and controversial, features of the European Court of Justice. The Advocate General and EC Law is the first comprehensive study of the Advocate General and his role in the development of EC Law. The book examines the history of the role, the questions over its future, and the role's importance in the procedures of the Court.

The book also analyses the contribution of some of the most influential Advocates General to the development of specific aspects of Community law, including Francis Jacobs on intellectual property, Walter van Gerven on discrimination and Jean Pierre Warner on competition procedure. The book explores the contributions of a range of Advocates General to specific principles of Community Law, including state liability and direct effect.

  • Offers a unique perspective on the politics of the European Court of Justice - one of the driving forces behind closer European integration
  • Provides the first dedicated study of the role of the Advocate General in the development of EC Law - a role which has no equivalent in UK courts
  • Assesses the particular contribution of key figures in EU law including Maurice LaGrange, Walter van Gerven and Francis Jacobs

EU Law
1. Introduction
Part I: The Advocate General as a member of the ECJ
2. The Place of the Advocate General in the procedure of the European Community Courts
3. The Advocate General and Human Rights Standards
Part II: Selected Advocates General and specific areas of Community law
4. The First Advocate General- Maurice Lagrange
5. Walter van Gerven and the Principle of Equal Treatment of Men and Women
6. Advocate General Jacobs' Opinions and Intellectual Property Law
7. Advocate General Jean Pierre Warner and EC Competition Law
Part III: Some fundamental concepts of Community Law and the Opinions of Advocates General
8. The Advocates General and the Development of the Principle of Direct Effect
9. The Contribution of Advocates General to the Development of the Principle of State Liability in the European Communitys Legal Order
10. The Advocates General and the Concept of Citizenship
11. Conclusion ;