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Project Finance: Principles and Practice

ISBN13: 9780199292356
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Publication Abandoned

This new book on project finance provides a practical 'how-to' guide to deal documentation and explanations of the legal and commercial rationale for the positions taken in these deals. Written by a team of experts from Freshfield Bruckhaus Deringer, the authors provide a clear jargon-free guide relevant to all parties in a deal.

Legal issues are analysed in the context of deal negotiation and contractual provisions that appear in actual project finance documentation in the UK and internationally, in particular covering New York. All perspectives of a typical transaction are covered including the negotiating standpoint of sponsors, funders, contractors, suppliers and service providers, and, where relevant, host governments. The authors provide sample contractual drafting in each chapter and where relevant, explanations as to how the drafting and law differs in common law and civil law jurisdictions.

The principles common to all project finance transactions are covered in the first section, while the second part considers aspects of project finance that are specific to each sector including extraction, electricity, transportation infrastructures, social infrastructures, defence, water and telecommunications industries.

  • Fills a gap in the market for a thorough international guide on project finance
  • Coverage of the principles and sector specific issues
  • Extensive cross-referencing enables quick location of treatment of relevant topics in different sectors including extraction, electricity, transportation infrastructures, social infrastructures, defence, water and telecommunications industries
  • Provides practical and relevant information for lawyers and non-lawyers
  • Written by an expert team from Freshfield, Bruckhaus, Deringer.
  • Appendices include model contracts and relevant legislation and cases

Banking and Finance
Part I: Introduction;
Part II: The Principles and Risk Allocation of Project Finance
1. Revenues
Contractual offtake
2. Costs
The principle of cost pass through
Construction and completion
3. Financing
Relative costs, returns and risk allocation for debt and equity
Ownership structures and tax efficiency
Due diligence
Shareholder support
Defaults and workouts
Secondary market transactions
4. Host Government Participation
Public-private partnerships and PFI
Contractual support
Multiple jurisdictions
Political risk and default
5. Insurance
Restoration ;
Part III: Sectors
6. Extractive Industries
Oil and gas
Metals and minerals
7. Electricity
Contracted offtake
Merchant plant
Non-fossil fuel plant
Transmission and distribution
8. Transportation Infrastructure
Roads, bridges and tunnels
9. Social Infrastructure
Health care
10. Defence
Weapons and system procurement
Accommodation and other outsourcing
11. Water
Waste water treatment and sewage
12. Telecommunications
Infrastructure ;