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Administrative Law and Policy of the European Union

ISBN13: 9780199286485
New Edition ISBN: 9780198787396
Published: October 2011
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £247.50

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Administrative Law and Policy of the EU provides a comprehensive analysis of the administration of the European Union and the legal framework within which that administration operates. The book examines the multifarious approaches, techniques, and structures of public administration in order to systematise and assess the solutions they offer to political, social, and economic problems.

The legal framework of administration is examined from the standpoint of how it meets the demands of specific policy objectives established by democratically accountable decision-makers. Administrative law structures and many of its underlying principles have developed in an evolutionary and isolated manner in each policy area. While aware of the diversity of specific areas, this book takes an overarching approach, setting out the common rules and principles that constitute the general body of EU administrative law.

By integrating the disciplines of political and administrative science, and administrative law, the book offers a rich explanation and critique of the complex executive framework of the EU.

EU Law
Part One: Introduction
1: The Idea of European Union Administration - Its Nature and Development
2: The Aim and Approach of this Book
3: Interdisciplinary Foundations of European Administrative Law
4: A Typology of Administrative Tasks in the European Union
Part Two: The Constitutional Framework of European Union Administrative Law
5: Sources of European Union Administrative Law
6: Principles Underlying the Relationship Between the European Union and the Member States
7: General Principles Framing European Union Administrative Law
8: Delegation and the European Union Constitutional Framework
Part Three: Structures, Procedures, and Methods
9: Organisational Arrangements for EU Administrative Action
10: Budget Implementation and Programme Management
11: Administrative Procedures
12: Information and Administration
13: Rules and Principles Governing the Substance of Administrative Decision-Making
Part Four: Form and Effect of Administrative Acts - Abstract-General Measures
14: Agenda Setting, Preparatory Acts, Planning and Framework Measures
15: Subordinate Legislation
16: Administrative Rules
17: Rulemaking by Private Parties
Part Five: Form and Effect of Administrative Acts - Single-Case Measures
18: Decisions in Individual Cases
19: Administrative Agreements
20: Factual Conduct by the Administration in Individual Cases
Part Six: Enforcement and Supervision of Administrative Actions
21: Purposes and Functions of Supervision and Enforcement
22: Enforcement
23: Administrative Supervision
24: Political Supervision
25: Judicial Supervision
Part Seven: Conclusion
26: The Present and Future Condition of European Union Administrative Law;