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Constitutional and Administrative Law: Text with Materials 4th ed

ISBN13: 9780199286379
Previous Edition ISBN: 0406930562
Published: June 2007
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £63.99

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The fourth edition of Constitutional and Administrative Law: Text with Materials provides students with a complete introduction to Public Law, covering all the core topics on LLB courses. With a wide selection of essential materials drawn from both legal and non-legal sources such as official publications, integrated with clear and lively commentary, this book serves as an invaluable portable library and reference source for students.

Drawing from their considerable teaching experience across the UK and Europe, the authors recognise that the eccentric and complex nature of the UK's constitutional system can sometimes be inaccessible for students with little prior knowledge. The book therefore guides students through constitutional and administrative law within the context of its historical development and its current political environment, making effective use of topical events to explain the difficult underlying theoretical issues, without loosing the essence of the law in a welter of detail.

Online Resource Centre
The fourth edition is accompanied by a website that provides ongoing updates to judicial and legislative developments since the publication of the book, ensuring students are kept informed of the latest key legal developments. It also serves as a research portal, providing a wealth of links to useful websites and materials available online.

Constitutional and Administrative Law
1. Constitutional and administrative law: nature, sources and history
2. Constitutional Law and constitutional principles
3. The royal prerogative
4. The Cabinet: ministers and their responsibilities
5. Parliament: composition and privileges
6. Parliament: procedures and functions
7. The United Kingdom and the European Community and Union
8. The Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration
9. The availability of judicial review
10. Grounds for judicial review
11. Public order
12. Police powers
13. European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the Human Rights Act 1998