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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
The Politics of the Police 5th ed isbn 9780198769255

The Politics of the Police 4th ed

ISBN13: 9780199283392
New Edition ISBN: 9780198769255
Previous Edition ISBN: 0198765436
Published: March 2010
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

The fourth edition of the popular and highly acclaimed Politics of the Police has been completely revised and updated to take into account of recent changes in the law, policy, and organization of policing.

From Clint Eastwood's Dirty Harry to Life on Mars, Robert Reiner explores the highly-charged debates that surround policing, including the various controversies and developments that have led to a change in the public's opinion of the police in recent years, and analyses the proposals for reform.

The book sets out to analyze how the police are perceived and the impact the mass media has on the public's perception and what we can expect in the future, given current research into police working practices and proposals for reform.

Police and Public Order Law
Part I: Theory and research
1: Watching the watchers: theory and research in policing studies
Part II: History
2: The birth of the blues: the establishment of professional policing in Britain 1829-1856
3: Out of the blue: police legitimacy 1856-2009 - construction, deconstruction, reconstruction
Part III: Sociology of policing
4: Cop cultures
5: Demystifying the police: social research and police practice
6: Mystifying the police: the media presentation of policing
Part IV: Law and politics
7: Police powers and accountability
8: Conclusion: beyond Life on Mars: a history of the future