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Revolution and the Making of the Contemporary Legal Profession: England, France and the United States

ISBN13: 9780199282982
ISBN: 0199282986
Published: March 2006
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £190.00

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The revolutions of France, the United States, and England each inspired dreams of creating legal institutions that did not depend on specialist intermediaries, and, in different ways, provoked attacks on the existing rules and government of the legal profession more widespread and severe than at any other time in their history.

These dreams came to naught and, sooner or later, the professions recovered, but their revolutionary experiences nevertheless had a lasting impact on their subsequent organization, and help to explain why three previously convergent professions should diverge as their societies industrialised.

The social upheaval of industrialization may also help to explain many of their peculiarities down to the present day: why, for instance, French advocates imposed such strict ethical obligations on themselves, from which they were only released by the state in 1992, why American lawyers should be the first to be at ease in the market, but faced intractable problems of professional self-government, why two professions should emerge in England, both with a high degree of self-government, and both long indifferent to law schools and to the market for legal services.

Since lawyers were the first occupation to organize as a profession, this insightful comparative inquiry then asks what their experience might tell us about other organized occupations in these three societies, and the difference between their educational institutions, their division of labour, their civil societies and lesser forms of government, and about the ways they have been stratified and formed classes.

  • A comparative study of revolution and civil society
  • Documents and explains the major differences in the history, rules, and institutions of three major legal professions

Legal History, Professional Conduct and Ethics
1 Investigating a Fateful Encounter
Utopian Ideals and Revolutionary Practice
Two Contested and Honorific Concepts - Revolution and Profession
Why Do Professionals Behave the Way They Do?
What Have They Actually Done, or Tried To Do?
The Framework of the Investigation, the Evidence and its Presentation
2 Ideal and Myth in the Lives of French Advocates;
The Formation of a State and of a Profession
Reconsidering the 'Triumph of the Professionals'
...And the 'Demise' of Advocates Before the Revolution
The Original Revolutionary Design: Act I
Terror and Thermidor: Act II
Napoleon's Selections, Innovations, and Synthesis: Act III
Return of the Advocates and Their Orders
Why was the Profession Destroyed?
Cycles of Constitutionalism, Repression, and Revolution
Bourbon Beginnings 1815 - 30
Orleanist Reprise 1830 - 48
Napoleanic Coda 1848 - 70
The Original Revolutionary Design Re-Enacted, Paris 1871
Marx's Nightmare and Tocqueville's Theatre
A Protracted and Reluctant Return to Normalcy
Schools, Stage, and Invisible Barriers
A Jurisdiction Defined by Incompatibilités and Plaidoiries
Alter Ego Tries to Change Advocates' Behaviour
Three Threats to Absolute Independence
An Anachronistic Sense of Humour
Myth and Irony in the Career of a Super-Profession
3 Practitioners vs. Legislators and Professors in the United States;
A Journey from Utopia Back to England - Lawyers in the Colonies
The Revolution Controlled, for the Most Part
The Massachusetts Electorate Interprets the Revolution
Other States, Other Interpretations
Removing Restrictions on Legal Practice
The Collapse of Bar Associations and the Philadelphia Exception
Elected Judges and Codes Complete Americanization
Was it Capitalism, the Frontier or the Revolution?
Three Stages of Reconstruction
What had Changed During the Interregnum?
Practitioners vs. Professors and Legislators
Practitioners Search for an Effective Form of Government
An Undependable Ally: the Judiciary
Aother Undependable Ally: the Law Schools
Explaining Unethical and Innovative Behaviour
An Asymmetrical and Ever-Expanding Jurisdiction
How a 'Body' Became a Ladder
Failure or Success? Some Clues from Philadelphia
4 Learned Friends and Gentlemen in England - Beneficiaries of the Glorious Revolution;
Confused Candidates in a Marketplace
Strange Bodies - the Inns Before the Revolution
The Trauma and the Tremor
Searching the Inns and the Courts
Explaining the Failure of the Revolutionary Movement
An Infrastructure of Absolutism is Created by Writs
...And Destroyed by 'the Greatest Thing Done by the English Nation
The Medieval Corporation then Advances into the Modern World
Pupillages and Articles
Hedges, Honour and Markets
Little Republics, Little Commonwealths
Spinning Webs of Mutual Restraint
Status Rivals and Allies
Industrialization, Democracy, and the Unwritten Constitution
Is Professional Power an Adequate Explanation?
Thatcher and a Turbulent Tercentenary
The Discrediting of Self-Governing Communities
5 Comparing Professions and Societies;
The Kinship of Old Regime Lawyers
Facing Common Revolutionary Aspirations
Diverging Paths into the Modern World
An Unmistakeable and Inconvenient Conclusion
An Ancien Régime Guide to French Modernity
A Slice of the American Dream
M'Learned Friends Illustrate Englishness

Series: Oxford Socio-Legal Studies

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A General Jurisprudence of Law and Society
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