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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
EU Employment Law 4th ed isbn 9780199692927

EC Employment Law 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9780199280032
ISBN: 0199280037
New Edition ISBN: 9780199692927
Previous Edition ISBN: 0198765657
Published: October 2006
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This new edition of EC Employment Law provides a complete revision and update of the leading english language text in the field. The coverage in the new edition has been expanded with material on all the latest developments, including the new Equality Directives, the development of the European Employment Strategy, the Open Method of Coordination (OMC) as well as more traditional regulatory techniques. It also analyses the ever expanding body of employment case law.

The book begins with an examination of the development of EC employment law focusing on the shift from employment law to employment policy. The text then considers rule-making in the field of employment law considering both the traditional routes to legislation and the new governance techniques, including the OMC.

The book considers the substantive area of employment law, considering the free movement of persons, equal treatment, health and safety and working conditions, the restructuring of enterprises, worker participations and collective action. Throughout, the book addresses the fundamental question as to the purpose of EC employment law: is it primarily economic, social or both?

New to this edition:-

  • Includes a new chapter on the European Employment Strategy, focussing on the Lisbon process and the new methods of governance employed by the EU to achieve harmonisation, especially the 'Open Method of Co-ordination'
  • Re-structures several chapters to make them more approachable to the student reader
  • Places greater emphasis on the EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights and its impact on EU social policy

Employment Law, EU Law
Part One: Introduction
1. Evolution of Social Policy
2. Law making in the Social Field
3. Lisbon and Beyond
Part Two: Migrant Workers
4. Free Movement of Workers
5. Limitation on Free movement
Part Three: Equality Law
6. Introduction to Equality Law
7. Equal Pay
8. Equal Treatment
9. Family Friendly Policies
10. Equal Treatment in respect of social security and pensions
Part Four: Health and Safety and Working Conditions
11. Health and Safety
12. Working Conditions
Part Five: Employee Rights on Restructuring Enterprises
13. Transfer of Undertakings
14. Collective Redundancies and Employee Rights on the Insolvency of their Employer
Part Six: Collective Labour law
15. Worker Representation
16. Freedom of Association and Industrial Action ;