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Seafarers' Rights

ISBN13: 9780199277520
ISBN: 0199277524
Published: January 2005
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £182.50

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Seafarers' Rights provides the reader with a systematic analysis of the rights of seafarers in the context of the international shipping industry, showing how they are made up of a combination of national and international laws, drawn from a number of sources including maritime law, labour law and international human rights law.

Central chapters on these topics are dealt with on an international basis, and complemented by 12 chapters covering key national regimes of;particular importance in terms of shipping.;The book demonstrates how the seafarer, working in a truly global industry, often falls between the gaps in national and international law. As a result seafarers often have inadequate legal protections. Seafarers' Rights seeks to document the rights and remedies available to seafarers, highlight the problem areas, examine the legal systems of certain seafaring nations and port states and suggest areas that are ripe for legal reform. Countries covered in the national chapters include;Brazil, China, Norway, Russia, South Africa, UK and the US.

Shipping, Transport and Maritime Law, Employment Law
1. Historical Perspectives on Seafarers and the Law
2. International Standards
3. International Compliance and Enforcement Mechanisms
4. Seafarers' Rights at the National Level
5. Private Law Regimes Applicable to Seafarers
Introduction to the National Chapters
6. Brazil
7. China
8. Cyprus
9. Greece
10. Liberia
11. Norway
12. Panama
13. Philippines
14. Russia
15. South Africa
16. United Kingdom
17. United States
18. Proposals for Legal Reform
Annex: International Instruments Relevant to Seafarers' Rights
Annex: Ratification of International Instruments by Certain Countries