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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
International Law and the Use of Force 3rd ed isbn 9780199239146

International Law and the Use of Force 2nd ed

Christine GrayFellow, St John's College, Cambridge

ISBN13: 9780199271306
ISBN: 0199271305
New Edition ISBN: 9780199239146
Previous Edition ISBN: 0198765282
Published: August 2004
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Since the publication of the first edition of International Law and the Use of Force, events have led to a major reappraisal of international law on the use of force. The terrorist attacks of September 11th and Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan have raised fundamental questions about the right to use force in self-defence against terrorism, and the scope of the 'war on terror'. The question of whether there is now a new doctrine of pre-emptive self-defence has divided States. The invasion of Iraq in 2003 has prompted serious questions about the role of the United Nations and the legal basis of Operation Iraqi freedom: had the UN Security Council authorized the use of force against Iraq? Was the US entitled to act without such authorization? This volume covers the whole of the large and controversial subject of the use of force in international law; it examines not only the use of force by States, but also the role of the UN and regional organizations in the maintenance of international peace and security.

Public International Law
1. Law and Force; 2. The Prohibition of the Use of Force; 3. Invitation and Intervention: Civil Wars and the Use of Force; 4. Self-defence; 5. Collective Self-defence; 6. The Use of Force against Terrorism: a New war for a New Century; 7. The UN and the Use of Force; 8. Security Council Authorization for Member States to Use Force; 9. Regional peacekeeping and Enforcement Action;Hardback Edition