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LPC Companion to Property Law and Practice: A Guide to Assessment

ISBN13: 9780199270316
ISBN: 0199270317
Published: June 2004
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £58.99

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This companion to the LPC has been designed to help students through the demanding subject of Property Law & Practice (formerly known as Conveyancing). It provides a clear and logical progression through the main problems arising in a conveyancing transaction, culminating in an examination of the process as a whole. Straddling commercial and high-street approaches to the subject, it offers full coverage of all the elements of commonhold, leasehold, and commercial conveyancing processes.

Looking in detail at specific topics it uses charts, illustrations, and boxed inserts to clarify any particular points of difficulty and to consolidate students' knowledge. It offers guidance on good assessment practice, as well as containing a number of multiple-choice, transactional, and essay questions that cover all the major forms of assessment found on the Legal Practice Course. It contains full reference to relevant web sites and wider reading especially from practitioner texts and incorporates relevant and appropriate elements of both skills and pervasive subjects (e.g. writing and drafting), as well as highlighting a number of important professional conduct matters.

Legal Manuals
1. Introduction to the book and its format; 2. Registered and unregistered conveyancing; taking instructions; 3. The draft contract; 4. Pre- contract searches, enquiries and town and country planning; 5. Deducting and investigating title; 6. Exchange of contracts; 7. The purchase deed and mortgage; 8. Pre-completion procedures and completion; 9. Post completion procedures; delays and remedies; 10. Leaseholds and commonhold; 11. Commercial conveyancing and property; 12. New properties; 13. Putting it all together, the process as a whole