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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
International Economic Law 2nd ed isbn 9780199226948

International Economic Law

ISBN13: 9780199264117
ISBN: 0199264112
New Edition ISBN: 9780199226948
Published: August 2003
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

As conflict and cooperation among states turn to an ever greater extent on economic issues, this treatise presents a comprehensive exploration of the legal foundations of the international economy.

The subjects covered include: the World Trade Organization and its antecedents; dumping, subsidies, and other devices that alter the market, the International Monetary System, including the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, the debt of the developing countries, and the rise of the Euro; the law of transnational investment, including changing perceptions of the rights of host states and multinational enterprises; economic sanctions, including embargoes and boycotts; and the international aspects of competition law and of the law of the environment.

Professor Lowenfeld brings to his task a life-time of practice and teaching experience to produce a book that will be of use to international lawyers and non-specialists alike.

International Trade
Table of Cases; Table of International Agreements; Table of Statutes and Regulations
PART I; INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW; 1 Economic Law and the Laws of Economics; 2 Money, Exchange Rates, and the Balance of Payments
PART II;THE GATT/WTO SYSTEM; 3 The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade: Origins and Overview; 4 Evolution of the GATT and GATT Law; 5 The GATT/WTO System after the Uruguay Round: A Preliminary Survey; 6 The International Exchange of Services and the Creation of GATS
PART III; DISPUTE RESOLUTION; 7 Dispute Resolution in the GATT, 1948-1994; 8 Dispute Settlement in the WTO
PART IV; THE RULES OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN DETAIL; 9 The Question of Subsidies; 10 Dumping and Anti-Dumping
PART V; BEYOND THE WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION; 11 The Environment and International Economic Law; 12 Competition Law by Eleanor M. Fox
PART VI; INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT; 13 The Responsibility of Host States to Foreign Investors: Customary International Law; 14 Dispute Settlement and International Investment; 15 Evolving Standards of International Law on International Investment
PART VII; THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY SYSTEM; 16 The Bretton Woods System; 17 The International Monetary Fund as Amended; 18 The International Monetary System and Regional Crises; 19 Other Institutions of the International Monetary System; 20 The European Monetary System and the Rise of the Euro; 21 International Monetary Law and Private Activity
PART VIII; ECONOMIC CONTROLS FOR POLITICAL ENDS; 22 United Nations and other Collective Sanctions; 23 Economic Sanctions without Benefit of Treaty; Index of Subjects; Index of Persons