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The British Year Book of International Law 2002: Volume 73

Edited by: James Crawford, Vaughn Lowe

ISBN13: 9780199263240
ISBN: 0199263248
Published: January 2004
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Now in its 73rd year, the British Year Book of International Law has become an essential work of reference for academics and practising lawyers. Through a mixture of articles and in-depth surveys of areas of international law it continues to provide up-to-date information on important developments in modern international law.

Public International Law
DR GEOFFREY MARSTON; ARTICLES; Great Britain and the Genocide Convention; Tracing and the Conflict of Laws; The Grotian Tradition Revisited: Change and Continuity in the History of International Law; The Identification and Character Of Treaties And Treaty Obligations Between States In International Law; ""Who Attempts Too Much Does Nothing Well"": The 1920 Advisory Committee Of Jurists and the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice; British Prize Courts during the First World War; SHORTER NOTES; Early Attempts to Suppress Terrorism: The Terrorism and International Criminal Court Conventions of 1937; ""No Room for Hate or Hostility"": Thomas Baty and Japan; State Immunity in the European Court of Human Rights: Misconceptions over Crucial Issues; REVIEWS OF BOOKS; DECISIONS OF BRITISH COURTS DURING 2001 INVOLVING QUESTIONS OF PUBLIC OR PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW; A: Public International Law; B: Private International Law; UNITED KINGDOM MATERIALS ON INTERNATIONAL LAW 2002