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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Goyder's EC Competition Law 5th ed isbn 9780199232307

EC Competition Law 4th ed

ISBN13: 9780199257881
ISBN: 0199257884
New Edition ISBN: 9780199232307
Published: July 2003
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This book contains a full account of the development of the subject over the last 45 years, of its current substantive rules and principles, and of the significant changes in its application likely in the near future. The development of competition law policy has been one of the most important features of the EC. It has a significant impact on many aspects of UK business, including pricing, distribution and the licensing of intellectual property rights, as well as the right to make;acquisitions and joint ventures.

A feature of this work is its emphasis on the importance of the historical development of this policy and its adaptation in the light of experience by the European Commission of many cases under Article 81 and 82. Topics receiving increased coverage in this;substantially revised fourth edition include the uncovering and punishment of the participants in a large number of cartels; the development of the concept of the abuse of dominance; the increase in the number of major merger cases under the Merger Regulation; and the greater emphasis on the importance of co-operation between the Commission and the other competition authorities. There is also a detailed examination of the radical proposals by the Commission for the modernization of the system,;which will impose new responsibilities on the courts and competition authorities of member states and raise new challenges for the Commission itself.

Firmly established as one of the leading texts in this area, the fourth edition of EC Competition Law has been thoroughly updated to take account of all the most important changes taking place now and in the very near future, setting this alongside a historical overview of this dynamic area of EC law.

Competition Law
1. Introduction
2. The Nature and Importance of Competition Policy
3. The Origins of European Competition Law
4. The Early Years of DG Comp
5. The Advent of the Block Exemption
6. Article 81(1): Analysis 1
7. Article 81(1): Analysis 2
8. Article 81(3): Conditions for Exemption
9. Horizontal Agreements: Cartels
10. Distribution Agreements and Practices
11. Distribution: Selective Distribution and Franchising
12. Intellectual Property Rights: Licensing
13. Intellectual Property Rights: The Purpose and Effects of Articles 28 to 30
14. Article 82: The Concept of Dominance
15. Article 82: Abuse
16. Article 82: Its Relationship with Article 81
17. Mergers (1)
18. Mergers (2)
19. Joint Ventures and Horizontal Co-Operation Agreements
20. Community Law and National Law: Changing Relationships
21. National Courts and the Direct Application of Community Law
22. Member States and EC Competition Rules
23. International Aspects of EC Competition Law
24. Forty-Five Years of the Treaty of Rome
25. The Future of European Competition Law