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Capital Markets and Company Law

Edited by: Klaus J. Hopt, Eddy Wymeersch

ISBN13: 9780199255580
ISBN: 019925558X
Published: January 2004
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £245.00

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In Capital Markets and Company Law, the contributors attempt to investigate the relationship between company law, securities markets and securities regulation, or 'Capital Market Law'. This is an interdisciplinary project, involving scholars and practitioners of law and economics, policy makers, and corporate finance and management specialists from both sides of the Atlantic. It illustrates the increasing competitive pressure under which regulatory systems are developing, driven by market forces and regulatory competition.

As markets are increasingly moulding the framework, the question arises to what extent a global regulatory system is being developed. European company law harmonization will increasingly have to take account of these market forces. These essays by prominent EU and US specialists in their fields offer an up-to-date and detailed analysis of a range of complex issues. Subjects include Corporate Governance and Shareholder Value, The Institutional Investor, He Corporate Governance Recommendations, and Harmonisation of company law.

This volume is the natural sucessor to the 1999 'Comparative Corporate Governance'.;By the same editors, and featuring many of the same contributers, Capital Markets and Company Law Markets takes the subject to the next level.

Company Law
1. FACTS AND FIGURES; 1.1 The Equity Markets, Ownership Structures and Control: Towards an International Harmonisation?; 1.2 Recent Developments in the Market for Markets for Financial Instruments; 1.3 European Disclosure for the New Millennium; 2. LEGAL CAPITAL; 2.1 The Rules of Capital Under Pressure of the Securities Markets; 2.2 Legal Capital Rules and Modern Securities Markets - The Case for Reform, as Illustrated by the UK Equity Markets; 2.3 Legal Capital Rules and the Structure of Corporate Law: Some Observations on the Differences Between European and US Approaches; 3. DISCLOSURE AND ACCOUNTING; 3.1 Financial Disclosure and Accounting; 3.2 The Impact of Transparency Regulation on Company Law; 3.3 Audit Within the Framework of Corporate Governance; 4. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND SHAREHOLDER VALUE; 4.1 Shareholder Value and the Modernisation of European Corporate Law; 4.2 Shareholder Value, Company Law and Securities Markets Law: A British View; 4.3 Corporate Governance in Germany; 4.4 Impact of the Takeovers and Their Regulation on French Company Law and Practice; 4.5 Shareholder Value: A New Standard for Company Conduct; 4.6 Shareholder Value: A New Standard for Company Conduct; 5. THE INSTITUTIONAL INVESTOR; 5.1 The Changing Role of Institutional Investors - A German Perspective; 5.2 Cross-Border Voting in Europe; 5.3 Institutional Investors and Corporate Governance: Solution or Problem?; 5.4 Optimism and Pessimism: Complementary Views on the Institutional Investors' Role in Corporate Governance; 6. THE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE RECOMMENDATIONS; 6.1 Do Good Governance Recommendations Change the Rules for the Board of Directors; 6.2 Do Good Governance Recommendations Change the Rules for the Board of Directors?; 6.3 Do Good Governance Recommendations Change the Rules for the Board of Directors; 6.4 Do Good Governance Recommendations Change the Rules for the Board of Directors; 7. CONFLICTS OF INTERESTS; 7.1 The Impact of Insider Trading Rules on Company Law; 7.2 An Institutional Innovation to Reduce the Agency Costs of Public Corporate Bonds: Changing the Role of the Trustee; 7.3 The Impact of Insider Trading Rules on Company Law; 8. GROUPS OF COMPANIES; 8.1 Do We Need a Law on Groups of Companies?; 8.2 Impact of the Financial Markets on Issues of Group Law?; 8.3 Tunnelling; 8.4 the Impact of Financial Markets on Issues of Group Law; 9. HARMONISATION OF COMPANY LAW; 9.1 Harmonisation in the Future of Company Law in Europe; 9.2 Thou Shalt Not Sow Thy Vineyard with Divers Seeds? The Case Against the Harmonisation of Private Law; 10. CONVERGENCE OF DIVERGENCE; 10.1 The Rise of Dispersed Ownership: The Roles of Law and the State in the Separation of Ownership and Control