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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary 3rd ed isbn 9780199580156

The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9780199253777
ISBN: 0199253773
New Edition ISBN: 9780199580156
Previous Edition ISBN: 0198257031
Published: September 2002
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback, 2 Volumes
Price: £340.00
(Second Hand)

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Since the original edition of The Charter of the United Nations was published the text of the Charter may not have changed but the world has. Rwanda, Somalia, Kosovo, and September 11th have had a lasting impact on international law and the Commentary has been fully updated to take their impact into account.

The new edition has been completely revised and features a completely new part on Chapter VII and enforcement measures of the Security Council; a thoroughly updated text on the prohibition on the use of force and self-defence; a comprehensive update on peace-keeping, peace-making, and peace-enforcement; an introduction to international criminal law before UN tribunals; new theoretical pieces on sovereign equality and UN non-intervention; a revised part on membership and the Yugoslav question; and new texts on women's rights and the UN human rights mechanisms.

This is the authoritative, article-by-article account of the legislative history, interpretation, and practical application of each and every Charter provision. Written by a team of distinguished scholars and practitioners, this book combines academic research with the insights of practice, and is an indispensable work of

Public International Law
VOLUME I; Preface; Introduction; Abbreviations; Text of the Charter; Text of the ICJ Statute; The History of the United Nations; The Interpretation of the Charter; Preamble; I. Purposes and Definitions; II. Membership; III. Organs; IV. The General Assembly; V. The Security Council; VI. Pacific Settlement of Disputes; VII. Action with Respect to Threats to the Peace, Breaches of the Peace, and Acts of Aggression; VIII. Regional Arrangements; VOLUME II; IX. International Economic and Social Co-operation; X. The Economic and Social Council; XI. Declaration regarding Non-Self-Governing Territories; XII. International Trusteeship System; XIII. The Trusteeship Council; XIV. The International Court of Justice; XV. The Secretariat; XVI. Miscellaneous Provisions; XVII. Transitional Security Arrangements; XVIII. Amendments; XIX. Ratification and Signature; Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly; Table of Cases; Index