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The Law of Consumer Credit and Hire

ISBN13: 9780199230365
Published: March 2009
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £380.00

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Wildy's Book of the Month - April 2009

Inspired by the Consumer Credit Act 2006 (which is due to be fully implemented by April 2008) this detailed work offers practical guidance on the new legislation. The scope and impact of the regulation is undergoing fundamental change; for example, financial limits on regulation are being partially removed, the OFT are given the power to fine licensees, an Ombudsman scheme is being introduced and agreements can be reopened where the relationship arising is held to be unfair.

This book addresses topics of practical concern and examines the areas most relevant to practitioners drafting, securitising or seeking to defend claims under credit or hire agreements. In particular, the book focuses on the outstanding problems and issues arising from the application of the Consumer Credit Act.

In-depth commentary is provided by an expert author team who have appeared in many recent cases concerning enforceability of rights under credit and hire agreements has been in issue.

  • Focuses on the practical issues and concerns arising from the new Consumer Credit Act 2006
  • Provides examples and offers solutions to the problems that face practitioners regarding consumer credit and hire agreements
  • Written by a team of expert practitioners specialising in consumer credit law, all members of Gough Square Chambers.

Consumer Law, Banking and Finance
1: Scope of the Consumer Credit Act
2: Licensing
3: Quantifying Credit and the Charges for Credit
4: Advertising
5: Drafting Credit and Hire Agreements
6: Cancellation and Withdrawal
7: Linked Transactions
8: Statements and Notices
9: Early Settlement
10: Liability for Representations and Breaches of the Supplier
11: Default and Termination
12: Enforcement
13: Offences
14: Unfair Relationships
15: Commission Payments