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Rights, Wrongs, and Injustices: The Structure of Remedial Law

ISBN13: 9780199229772
Published: November 2019
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £122.50

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Rights, Wrongs, and Injustices is the first comprehensive account of the scope, foundations, and structure of remedial law in common law jurisdictions. The rules governing the kinds of complaints that common law courts will accept are generally well understood. However, the rules governing when and how they respond to such complaints are not. This book provides that understanding. It argues that remedies are judicial rulings, and that remedial law is the law governing their availability and content. Focusing on rulings that resolve private law disputes (for example, damages, injunctions, and restitutionary orders), this book explains why remedial law is distinctive, how it relates to substantive law, and what its foundational principles are.

The book advances four main arguments. First, the question of what courts should do when individuals seek their assistance (the focus of remedial law) is different from the question of how individuals should treat one another in their day-to-day lives (the focus of substantive law). Second, remedies provide distinctive reasons to perform the actions they command; in particular, they provide reasons different from those provided by either rules or sanctions. Third, remedial law has a complex relationship to substantive law. Some remedies are responses to rights-threats, others to wrongs, and yet others to injustices. Further, remedies respond to these events in different ways: while many remedies (merely) replicate substantive duties, others modify substantive duties and some create entirely new duties. Finally, remedial law is underpinned by general principles-principles that cut across the traditional distinctions between so-called " remedies. Together, these arguments provide an understanding of remedial law that takes the concept of a remedy seriously, classifies remedies according to their grounds and content, illuminates the relationship between remedies and substantive law, and presents remedial law as a body of principles rather than a historical category.

1: Introduction
2: Historical Foundations
3: Form, Creation, Legal Effects
4: The Basic Structure
5: Philosophical Foundations
6: Rights-Threats
7: Wrongs
8: Injustices
9: Defences

Series: Oxford Private Law Theory

Property Law in the Society of Equals ISBN 9780197768952
Published December 2024
Oxford University Press USA
Omissions in Tort Law ISBN 9780198866596
Published October 2024
Oxford University Press
Relational Justice: A Theory of Private Law ISBN 9780198876229
Published July 2024
Oxford University Press
Wrongs, Harms, and Compensation: Paying for our Mistakes ISBN 9780192864567
Published September 2023
Oxford University Press
Wrongs, Harms, and Compensation: Paying for our Mistakes (eBook) ISBN 9780192679765
Published September 2023
Oxford University Press
Out of print
Oxford Studies in Private Law Theory, Volume II (eBook) ISBN 9780198876120
Published May 2023
Oxford University Press
Out of print
Oxford Studies in Private Law Theory, Volume II ISBN 9780198876076
Published May 2023
Oxford University Press
Private Law and Practical Reason: Essays on John Gardner's Private Law Theory ISBN 9780192857330
Published March 2023
Oxford University Press
Private Law and Practical Reason: Essays on John Gardner's Private Law Theory (eBook) ISBN 9780192671721
Published March 2023
Oxford University Press
Out of print
Oxford Studies in Private Law Theory: Volume I ISBN 9780198851356
Published November 2020
Oxford University Press
Civil Wrongs and Justice in Private Law ISBN 9780190865269
Published April 2020
Oxford University Press USA