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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Bar Manual: Professional Negligence Litigation in Practice 5th ed isbn 9780199579211

Bar Manual: Professional Negligence Litigation in Practice 4th ed

Edited by: The City Law School

ISBN13: 9780199227570
New Edition ISBN: 9780199579211
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780199284917
Published: January 2008
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Formerly entitled Advanced Civil Litigation in Practice, this new edition has been renamed to reflect the substantive content of the module which focuses predominantly on solicitors' and clinical negligence

Professional Negligence Litigation in Practice has been specifically written to provide students with a detailed introduction to th complex legal issues surrounding professional negligence disputes. Concentrating on two specific areas of professional negligence; clinical negligence and solicitors' negligence, this manual examines and provides practical guidance on how such a case might be most effectively prepared and presented.

Split into five distinct parts; the first part of the manual covers selected areas of the substantive law as it relates to professional negligence, namely clinical negligence and solicitors' negligence. Part II deals with the crucial procedural aspects relating to professional negligence cases, building on students' existing knowledge of the Civil Procedural Rules and examining the pre-action protocols and the role of the case management conference.

Part III reflects the pragmatic approach adopted by the manual, and has been specifically designed to develop students' drafting skills to the advanced level required in professional negligence cases, and considering in particular the various stages associated with drafting Particulars of Claim and a Defence. Part IV equips students with a guide to the various legal principles, rules, practice directions, codes of guidance, and other sources, which govern the collection, preparation, and delivery of expert and non-expert evidence in clinical and solicitors' negligence cases.

The final part of the manual focuses on providing students with an introduction to the key people and bodies whom they will commonly encounter in this area of practice. It also provides consideration of the availability and impact of funding arrangements on professional negligence cases and alternative dispute resolution.

New to this edition:-

  • The manual has been fully revised and updated with all major legal developments in relation to solicitors' and clinical negligence disputes
  • Includes a new appendix 6 containing a reproduction of the Protocol for the instruction of experts to give evidence in civil claims

Legal Manuals
Introduction and substantive law
1. Introduction
2. Clinical Negligence
3. Solicitors' Negligence
4. Other professional negligence claims
Conduct and management of proceedings
5. An overview of procedure
6. Early identification of issues
7. Court control
Drafting statements of case
8. Drafting professional negligence particulars of claim
9. Drafting professional negligence defences
10. Non-expert evidence in clinical negligence cases
11. Expert evidence in clinical negligence cases
12. Evidence in Solicitors' negligence cases
The practical context
13. Who's who in professional negligence claims
14. Funding professional negligence claims
15. Alternative approaches to settling disputes ;