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3rd ed


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The Law of Charities 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9780199214808
Previous Edition ISBN: 0198267835
To be Published: August 2042
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £225.00

The Law of Charities has quickly established itself as one of the leading texts in its field. Highly practical in its outlook, it combines a comprehensive and authoritative account of the law with pragmatic advice on procedure.

This timely new edition offers essential commentary on the Charities Act 2006 and the companion consolidation legislation, and will guide practitioners and academics alike through the important changes to the law, including the establishment of a Charity Tribunal, the creation of new charitable corporations (CIOs), and changes to the administration, registration, and accounting procedures of charities.

The Law of Charities 2nd ed is essential reading for anyone involved in the law of trusts or estate management and will guide readers through the first comprehensive changes to the UK's charities regime for 400 years.

All of the changes introduced by the Charities Act will be addressed, including: the new statutory list of charitable purposes; the new form of charitable corporation, the Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), that merely requires registration with the Charity Commission; the setting up of a Charity Tribunal to hear appeals from the Charity Commission; the changes to the administration of charities, including registration and accounting requirements; the new unified regime for public charitable collections; changes to the constitution of the Charity Commission.

1. The Shaping of Charity Law
2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Charitable Status
3. Charities and Taxation
4. Charitable Purposes
5. Benefit to a Sufficient Section of the Community
6. Wholly and Exclusively Charitable Requirement
7. Political Purposes and Political Activity
8. Legal Structures and the Distribution of Power
9. Charity Trustees
10. The Charity Commission
11. The Court's Jurisdiction over Charities
12. Legal Proceedings
13. The Charity Tribunal
14. Mediation and Dispute Resolution
15. Cy-près and Schemes
16. Charity Investment
17. Dealings with Land
18. Disclaimer of Property and Ex Gratia Payments
19. Charitable Giving and Taxation
20. Charities and Trading
21. Regulation of Fund-Raising
22. Public Charitable Collections
23. Advertising and Broadcast Appeals
24. Lotteries, Competitions, and Amusements
25. Disaster Funds
26. Dissolution of Charities ;