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Mental Health and Human Rights: Vision, Praxis, and Courage

ISBN13: 9780199213962
Published: June 2012
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £145.00

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Mental disorders are ubiquitous, profoundly disabling and people suffering from them frequently endure the worst conditions of life. In recent decades both mental health and human rights have emerged as areas of practice, inquiry, national policy-making and shared international concern. Human-rights monitoring and reporting are core features of public administration in most countries, and human rights law has burgeoned. Mental health also enjoys a new dignity in scholarship, international discussions and programs, mass-media coverage and political debate. Today's experts insist that it impacts on every aspect of health and human well-being, and so becomes essential to achieving human rights. It is remarkable however that the struggle for human rights over the past two centuries largely bypassed the plight of those with mental disabilities.

Mental health is frequently absent from routine health and social policy-making and research, and from many global health initiatives, for example, the Millenium Development Goals. Yet the impact of mental disorder is profound, not least when combined with poverty, mass trauma and social disruption, as in many poorer countries. Stigma is widespread and mental disorders frequently go unnoticed and untreated. Even in settings where mental health has attracted attention and services have undergone reform, resources are typically scarce, inequitably distributed, and inefficiently deployed. Social inclusion of those with psychosocial disabilities languishes as a distant ideal. In practice, therefore, the international community still tends to prioritise human rights while largely ignoring mental health, which remains in the shadow of physical-health programs. Yet not only do persons with mental disorders suffer deprivations of human rights but violations of human rights are now recognized as a major cause of mental disorder - a pattern that indicates how inextricably linked are the two domains.

This volume offers the first attempt at a comprehensive survey of the key aspects of this interrelationship. It examines the crucial relationships and histories of mental health and human rights, and their interconnections with law, culture, ethnicity, class, economics, neuro-biology, and stigma. It investigates the responsibilities of states in securing the rights of those with mental disabilities, the predicaments of vulnerable groups, and the challenge of promoting and protecting mental health. In this wide-ranging analysis, many themes recur - for example, the enormous mental health burdens caused by war and social conflicts; the need to include mental-health interventions in humanitarian programs in a manner that does not undermine traditional healing and recovery processes of indigenous peoples; and the imperative to reduce gender-based violence and inequities. It particularly focuses on the first-person narratives of mental-health consumers, their families and carers, the collective voices that invite a major shift in vision and praxis. The book will be valuable for mental-health and helping professionals, lawyers, philosophers, human-rights workers and their organisations, the UN and other international agencies, social scientists, representatives of government, teachers, religious professionals, researchers, and policy-makers.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties, Mental Health Law
A personal testament
1. Human rights development: provenance, ambit and effect
2. Mental health and illness as human rights issues: philosophical, historical and social perspectives and controversies
3. Mental health law and human rights: evolution and contemporary challenges
4. Culture and context in human rights
5. Stigma and discrimination: critical human rights issues for mental health
6. Genes, Biology, Mental Health and Human Rights. The Effects of Traumatic Stress as a Case Example
7. Race, class, mental health and human rights
8. Mental health economics, mental health policies and human rights
9. Mental disability, HIV and human rights
10. Universal Legal Capacity as a Universal Human Right
Technology and human rights: a personal perspective
Global mental health and social justice

11. Through a glass, darkly: Legacies of the Nazis and the Nuremberg trials for mental health and human rights
12. The abuse of psychiatry for political purposes
13. The return of torture
14. Medicine, mental health and capital punishment
15. Mental health and human rights in secure settings
16. The rights of people with severe and persistent mental illness
17. Professional perpetrators: The accountability of mental health professionals for complicity in torture and aggressive interrogation in the 'war on terror'
18. Coercive treatment in psychiatry: a human rights issue?
19. Psychiatrists and the pharmaceutical industry - on the ethics of a complex relationship
Protecting the human rights of people with mental disorders: a call to action for global mental health
Coercive psychiatry: a personal view

20. Child and adolescent refugees and asylum seekers in Australia: The Ethics of exposing children to suffering to achieve social outcomes
21. Civilian populations affected by conflict and displacement: Mental health and the human rights imperative
22. Trafficking, mental health and human rights
23. Human rights and women's mental health
24. Mental health, human rights and indigenous people
25. Human rights for people with intellectual disabilities
26. Reflections from a mother-infant intervention: a human rights based approach to research collaboration
27. Missing Voices: Speaking up for the rights of children and adolescents with disabilities
28. The mental health and rights of mentally ill older people
29. Mental health, rights and people with diverse sexual identities and orientations
30. The rights of individuals treated for drug addiction
The veil of silence: human rights and suicide

31. : Protecting the rights of the mentally ill in poorly resourced settings: experiences from four African countries
32. Human rights standards relevant to mental health and how they may be made more effective
33. The role of world associations and the United Nations
34. Whose voices should be heard: the role of mental health consumers, psychiatric survivors and families
The Right to Health
35. The right to participation of people with mental disabilities in legal and policy reforms
36. Human rights in the real world: exploring best practice research in a mental health context
37. Women's Bodies, Sexualities and Human Rights
38. Cognitive-behavioural therapy, human rights and psychosis
39. Promoting social goodness and preventing human rights violations: a post-Nuremberg inheritance for the helping professions

Afterword: Global mental health and human rights: barriers and opportunities