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Adoption Law:
A Practical Guide 2nd ed

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 Keith Pugsley, Ken Miles

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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
The Law Student's Handbook 2nd ed isbn 9780199562176

The Law Student's Handbook

ISBN13: 9780199212712
New Edition ISBN: 9780199562176
Published: April 2007
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

The Law Student's Handbook offers a practical and informative guide to studying law. It introduces the ways in which law is taught, then covers in detail the practical study and academic skills required to study law. The authors complete the picture by looking ahead to legal careers. This is ideal as pre-course reading for prospective law students, and can also be a valuable point of reference during the first year and throughout a law degree.

Summary points, tip boxes, and margin notes encourage students to actively engage with the material, while the Online Resource Centre provides a wealth of additional information such as information about law courses and sources of postgraduate finance. The online multiple-choice questions offer students the chance to check their understanding and appreciation of the issues involved in studying law.

Online Resource Centre:-

  • Law courses available
  • The gobbledygook test
  • Addresses of professional bodies
  • Sources of postgraduate finance
  • Further reading
  • Useful web links (newspapers, estates gazette, etc)
  • Student testimonials - on getting to grips with a law library, etc.
  • Activities - putting some of the skills into practice through multiple-choice question

Related Title:-

The Bundled Set: Saving £19.97 (37%%)

1. Choosing law
2. English law and the courts
3. Contemporary issues
4. The way law is taught
5. Varieties of law teaching
6. The law library
7. The sources of legal study
8. Preparing written work
9. Citation of legal sources and plagiarism
10. Undergraduate examinations
11. Answering problem questions
12. Answering essay questions
13. Advice on completing coursework
14. Becoming a solicitor
15. Becoming a barrister
16. The postgraduate study of law
17. The use of legal study ;