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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Core Text: The Legal System 4th ed isbn 9780199560189

Core Text: The Legal System 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9780199212699
New Edition ISBN: 9780199560189
Previous Edition ISBN: 0199282412
Published: April 2007
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

The Legal System provides an overview of the institutions, personnel, and procedures that make up the legal system in England and Wales. Current changes are explained and critically evaluated, and the text explores a number of key competing themes and underlying tensions which run through the legal system. These are identified in the first chapter and then illustrated through concise exposition and practical examples in the following substantive chapters.

Brief summaries at the beginning of each chapter enable students to assess the key points of study quickly and easily. Meanwhile further reading lists, useful web site links, and self-test questions at the end of chapters allow students to research the subject in more depth, and to test their understanding of this important area of study.

This is an ideal introduction to the subject; the concise volume successfully combines key principles with thought-provoking questions, and points the way for further study and more in-depth analysis.

  • Concise critical analysis of the English legal system makes this text suitable for use on a wide range of undergraduate law courses
  • Explores the competing themes and underlying tensions facing the legal system in today's society, encouraging students to develop an understanding and awareness of this fundamental subject
  • Summary boxes at the beginning of each chapter help students to assess the key learning outcomes quickly and easily, which will aid initial learning as well as revision
  • Self-test questions, further reading lists, and useful web site links encourage students to test their progress, and to take their studies to a deeper level
  • The new page layout, fresh new cover design, and larger format make the book easier to use and navigate through

English Legal System, External LLB Titles
1. Introduction
2. The organisation of the courts
3. Sources of law
4. The Human Rights Act 1998
5. The legislative process
6. Statutory interpretation
7. Case law, precedent and judicial law-making
8. The civil justice process
9. The Woolf reforms to civil justice
10. Recent trends in the criminal justice system
11. Police powers
12. The prosecution process
13. The trial process
14. Criminal appeals and the post-appeal process
15. The provision of legal services
16. The structure and functions of the judiciary
17. Judicial appointments
18. Lay adjudication
19. Funding of legal services ;