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Sentencing: Theory, Law and Practice 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9780199211906
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Publication Abandoned

The third edition of Walker and Padfield's Sentencing: Theory, Law, and Practice is essential reading for students and teachers of sentencing and penology.

Authored by one of the leading authorities in the field, the book is grounded in exceptional scholarship. Nicola Padfield expertly weaves together a broad range of theory, law, and practice to provide a rounded account of this multi-layered field of study.

Criminal Law
Part I General
1: Sentencing procedure and appeals
2: Legislative, executive, and judicial roles
3: Information about the offender
4: Aggravation and mitigation
5: Discrimination and mercy
6: Background information
7: The efficacy of correctives
8: General deterrence and education
9: Sentencers' aims
Part II Imprisonment
10: Using imprisonment
11: Imprisonment's wanted and unwanted effects
12: Administration, location, allocation
13: Rules, grievances, and rights
14: Getting out
Part III Non-custodial measures
15: Diversion and nominal measures
16: Financial measures
17: Community penalties
18: Philosophies and effectiveness of supervision
19: The control of stigma
Part IV Special categories
20: Young offenders
21: Mentally disordered offenders
22: Dangerous offenders
23: Traffic offenders
24: Addicted offenders
Appendix A Examples of statutory maxima for determinate prison sentences
Appendix B Rehabilitation periods
Appendix C Examples from SGC Sentencing Guidelines;