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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Intellectual Property Law Directions 2nd ed isbn 9780199688104

Intellectual Property Law Directions

ISBN13: 9780199205097
New Edition ISBN: 9780199688104
Published: March 2011
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Over the last two decades, intellectual property has proved to be a hugely popular yet increasingly complex subject, not least because of the speed of change caused by a never-ending flow of legislation.

Intellectual Property Law Directions focuses on the practical issues of United Kingdom intellectual property at the same time as demonstrating how the subject is being shaped by outside forces, not all of them perceived as welcome.

Intellectual Property Law Directions is presented in an informal, engaging and lively manner with an emphasis on explaining the key topics covered on intellectual property law courses with clarity. Written by a university lecturer with over 20 years' experience of teaching intellectual property, this book provides a clear and structured approach to the subject, with a strong emphasis on student-centred learning.

  • Practical examples illustrate key statutory provisions in operation and engage students by relating theory to real life experience, encouraging a grounded understanding of intellectual property law
  • Diagrams and flow-charts presented in an innovative colour design explain complex procedural issues and the many headings guide the reader's progress through the subject
  • Reflective questions with suggested model answers are included at the end of each chapter to stimulate classroom discussion and provide a guide for how to tackle a question and structure a reasoned and balanced answer
  • Self-test questions and thinking points integrated into the text challenge and develop student learning
  • Written by a university lecturer with over 20 years' experience of teaching intellectual property to undergraduate, postgraduate and post-professional law students and to undergraduate and postgraduate engineering students, at United Kingdom and overseas institutions
  • An accompanying website provides links to the major intellectual property organisations, suggested answers to reflective questions in the book, sample intellectual property documents and twice-annual updates to the text