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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Hepple and Matthews' Tort Law Cases & Materials 7th ed isbn 9781849465557

Hepple and Matthews: Tort Cases & Materials 6th ed

ISBN13: 9780199203840
New Edition ISBN: 9781849465557
Previous Edition ISBN: 0406063265
Published: October 2008
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

The sixth edition of this classic casebook retains all the features that have made it such a popular and respected text. Emphasizing the interests served by the law of tort and taking a contextual approach, the book combines an authoritative selection of cases and materials with stimulating commentary.

  • Questions and notes sections highlight the main issues to students, reinforcing their understanding and appreciation of the subject

Tort Law, External LLB Titles
Table of Statutes
Table of Cases
Table of abbreviations
Part One: Principles and policy of negligence
1. An action for damages in perspective
2. The duty of care
3. Duty of care: special problems
4. Pure economic loss
5. Breach of duty
6. Causation and remoteness of damage
7. Defences: contributory negligence, volenti non fit injuria, exclusion of liability and illegality and public policy
8. Assessment of damage
Part Two: Specific duties and interests
9. Liability for defective premises
10. Liability for damage caused by things
11. Liability for animals
12. Non-intentional statutory torts
13. Intentional interference with the person
14. Interference with land
15. Deliberate interference with interests in trade or business
16. Interests in reputation - defamation
17. Invasion of privacy
Part Three: Loss distribution
18. Vicarious liability
19. Joint liability
20. Insurance and compensation