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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
The Law of Delict in South Africa 3rd ed isbn 9780190411480

The Law of Delict in South Africa 2nd ed

Edited by: Rob Midgley, Max Loubser

ISBN13: 9780199046478
New Edition ISBN: 9780190411480
Published: January 2013
Publisher: Oxford University Press Southern Africa
Country of Publication: South Africa
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

The book is a true student textbook that combines a strong theoretical foundation with a practical applied approach.

A clear, concise yet rigorous introduction to the general principles of delictual law. Revised and updated, the second edition focuses more strongly on problem solving application. The text supports learning and the development of independent academic skills through various learning features which bring an applied, critical and reflective approach to the content.

The structure of the book reflects the logical and systematic process of enquiry that is followed when assessing or preparing for a delictual matter, and it reflects clearly the distinctions between the Aquilian action, Germanic action and Actio iniuriarum. Pedagogically developed as a learning resource for students with varying backgrounds and skills levels. Supported by ancillary teaching materials which assist in teaching and learning.

South Africa, Other Jurisdictions
1. Introduction
2. Delict and the Constitution
3. Harm
4. Conduct
5. Factual Causation
6. Legal causation
7. Fault
8. Wrongfulness
9. Grounds of Justification
10. Liability in Contract excluding Action in Delict
11. Exclusion of Employers' Liability by the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 130 of 1993
12. Exemption Clauses
13. Prescription
14. Omissions
15. Negligent Misstatements
16. Pure Economic Harm
17. Interference with Contractual relations
18. Unlawful Competition
19. Product Liability
20. Breach of a statutory duty
21. Public authorities
22. Professional liability
23. Injury or death of another person
24. Road Accident Fund Act 56 of 1996
25. Pain and suffering
26. Emotional shock
27. Infringements of bodily integrity
28. Infringements of dignity, privacy and identity
29. Infringements of reputation
30. Grounds of justification associated with infringements of personality interests
31. Strict liability
32. Vicarious liability
33. Damages, retraction and apology, and interdict
34. Reduction and apportionment of damages