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Net Zero and Natural Resources Law: Sovereignty, Security, and Solidarity in the Clean Energy Transition

Edited by: Damilola S. Olawuyi, José González, Juan, Hanri Mostert, Milton Fernando Montoya, Catherine Banet

ISBN13: 9780198925002
Published: July 2024
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £110.00

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States, corporations, and other actors worldwide have committed to measures aimed at bringing down global emissions to net zero by the year 2060 or earlier. While the need for a clean energy transition is clear, incoherently designed transition programs can pose complex environmental, social, and governance risks, including legal liability and protracted disputes. At the same time, the rush for minerals needed to manufacture clean energy technologies raises fundamental questions–most crucially, how to ensure the exploration and development of energy transition minerals in a manner that does not exacerbate resource conflicts, resource nationalism, human rights violations, protectionism, energy insecurity, social exclusions, and inequity, especially in conflict-affected and high-risk regions.

By studying the legal and regulatory systems of Africa, Asia, Europe, Australasia, and North and South America through the themes of sovereignty, security and solidarity, Net Zero and Natural Resources Law provides an in-depth discussion of tools and techniques for addressing the legal and contract risks relating to the clean energy transition. This book offers a comprehensive and authoritative account of the nature, scope, and guiding principles of natural resources law and policy in a net zero era. Consideration is given to the integrated resource governance roadmap that is needed to improve coherence and coordination in the design, financing, and implementation of energy transition programs across the entire natural resource value chain.

Environmental Law, Energy and Natural Resources Law
1:Introduction: The New Age of Natural Resources Law and Policy: From Resource Conservation to Net Zero, Damilola S. Olawuyi, José Juan González, Hanri Mostert, Milton Fernando Montoya and Catherine Banet

Part I: Sovereignty: Introductory Context and Principles
2:Sources and Principles of Natural Resources Law and Policy in a Net Zero Era, Mehrnoosh Aryanpour
3:Net Zero Transition and Resource Sovereignty: Emerging Trends and Changing Landscape, Tengi George-Ikoli, Aaron Sayne and Damilola S. Olawuyi
4:Natural Resource Contracts and Net Zero, Kim Talus, Qaraman M. Hasan and Damilola S. Olawuyi
5:Critical Minerals Strategies, Net Zero, and Natural Resources Law, Barry Barton

Part II: Security and Justice Risks in Net Zero Transition
6:Securing the Supply of Critical Minerals for Net Zero: Chinaâs Regulatory and Policy Frameworks on Lithium, Hao Zhang
7:Security and Intergenerational Equity in the Net Zero Transition: Lessons from Canada, Alastair R. Lucas and Akinbobola O. Olugbemi
8:Net Zero and Energy Diversification: Lessons from Colombia, Milton Fernando Montoya and Ana Paola Gutiérrez
9:Extractive Justice and the Net Zero Transition: Some African Perspectives, Hanri Mostert and Lindsay Taylah Moses
10:Gender Justice and Net Zero Energy Transition: Perspectives from the United Kingdom and Sub-Saharan Africa, Adenike Akinsemolu and Walters Nsoh
11:Net Zero, Human Rights, and ESG Risk Management, Damilola S. Olawuyi and Elena I. Athwal
12:Net Zero and Environmental Impact Assessments: The Baseline Bar in the United States, Nadia B. Ahmad
13:Resource Efficiency and Net Zero Buildings, LeRoy C. Paddock
14:Hydrogen and the Net Zero Transition, Hugo Meyer van den Berg
15:How Net Zero Goals Impact Electricity Systems and Supply Security: An Analysis of the EU Legal Framework, Martha M. Roggenkamp
Part III Building Solidarity for Net Zero: Lessons Learned and Future Directions
16:The Role of Regional Emissions Trading Systems in the Achievement of a Net Zero Energy Economy, Íñigo del Guayo and José Antonio Redondo Torres
17:Promoting Solidarity for Net Zero: The Potential and Limitations of the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, Louis de Fontenelle and Elodie Annamayer
18:Regional Free Trade Agreements and Net Zero Transitions: Lessons from the US, Mexico, and Canada Free Trade Agreement, José Juan González Márquez and Ana María Pacheco Ruiz
19:Mitigating Damages in Net Zero Energy Transitions through Investment Treaty and Market Reforms, Anatole Boute and Sara Soini
20:Power Politics: American Law and the Challenges of Promoting Solidarity for Net Zero, Donald Zillman and Anthony Moffa
21:Towards Net Zero: A Cross-Sectoral Analysis of Australiaâs Energy Transition, Lee Godden
22:Conclusion: Net Zero and the Future of Natural Resources Law, Damilola S. Olawuyi, José Juan González, Hanri Mostert, Milton Fernando Montoya and Catherine Banet