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The Transnational Law of Renewable Energy

ISBN13: 9780198894520
Published: September 2024
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £150.00

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Undertaken in Dubai in 2023, the 'First Global Stocktake' under the Paris Agreement called for a tripling of installed global renewable energy capacity. Achieving this goal will require significant financial, technical, and legal effort, and a key task in meeting it will be to 'derisk' global renewable energy projects by making the rules governing these projects more transparent, predictable, and uniform. The Transnational Law of Renewable Energy aids this task by providing a unified and comprehensive analysis of the transnational law that currently governs renewable energy projects, and providing a transnational legal approach.

Drawing on regulatory frameworks and practice in public international law, comparative law, and transnational case law, the book establishes the first transnational lex regenerative, or transnational law of renewable energy. The volume covers a range of regulatory topics relating to transnational renewable energy projects, including the regulation of their entry into the market and financial support mechanisms. It also covers commercial topics from construction to joint operation to financing, as well as further addressing the role of renewable energy in advancing global sustainable development.

Comprehensive and original, The Transnational Law of Renewable Energy provides key takeaways from its study in callout boxes that clearly summarize the conclusions of each section. It will appeal to practitioners and government officials, as well as students and academics doing research regarding global renewable energy projects.

Environmental Law, Energy and Natural Resources Law
1:The Concept of Transnational Law of Renewable Energy
2:What is “Renewable Energy?”
3:Regulation of Renewable Energy Projects
4:Entry into the Market
5:Tariff and Financial Support Structures in Deregulated Markets
6:Payment Terms and Financial Support Structures in Cost-of-Service Markets
7:Construction of Renewable Power Projects
8:Renewable Energy Project Financing
9:Joint Operations in Renewable Energy Projects
10:Insolvency and Bankruptcy Regimes
11:Dispute Resolution
12:Alternative Dispute Resolution
13:Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development Regimes
14:Human Rights, Community Development and Renewable Energy Projects