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Coherence Between Data Protection and Competition Law in Digital Markets (eBook)

ISBN13: 9780198885757
Published: October 2023
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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In digital markets, data protection and competition law affect each other in diverse and intricate ways. Their entanglement has triggered a global debate on how these two areas of law should interact to effectively address new harms and ensure that the digital economy flourishes. Coherence between Data Protection and Competition Law in Digital Markets offers a blueprint for bridging the disconnect between data protection and competition law and ensuring a coherent approach towards their enforcement in digital markets.

Specifically, this book focuses on the evolution of data protection and competition law, their underlying rationale, their key features and common objectives, and provides a series of examples to demonstrate how the same empirical phenomena in digital markets pose a common challenge to protecting personal data and promoting market competitiveness. A panoply of theoretical and empirical commonalities between these two fields of law, as this volume shows, are barely mirrored in the legal, enforcement, policy, and institutional approaches in the EU and beyond, where the silo approach continues to prevail. The ideas that Majcher puts forward for a more synergetic integration of data protection and competition law are anchored in the concept of 'sectional coherence'. This new coherence-centred paradigm reimagines the interpretation and enforcement of data protection and competition law as mutually cognizant and reciprocal, allowing readers to explore, in an innovative way, the interface between these legal fields and identify positive interactions, instead of merely addressing inconsistencies and tensions. This book reflects on the conceptual, practical, institutional, and constitutional implications of the transition towards coherence and the relevance of its findings for other jurisdictions.

Competition Law, Data Protection, eBooks
1:An Overview of EU Data Protection and Competition Law
2:Common Objectives and the Triple Challenge
3:Mapping the Interactions: Status Quo
4:Sectional Coherence as a New Paradigm
5:A Competiton Law Perspective on Sectional Coherence
6:A Data Protection Law Perspective on Sectional Coherence
7:The Big Picture

Series: Oxford Data Protection & Privacy Law

EU Data Privacy Law and Serious Crime: Data Retention and Policymaking ISBN 9780198837169
To be published January 2042
Oxford University Press
Standardizing Personal Data Protection ISBN 9780198893288
To be published April 2025
Oxford University Press
Coherence Between Data Protection and Competition Law in Digital Markets ISBN 9780198885610
Published October 2023
Oxford University Press
Vulnerability and Data Protection Law ISBN 9780192870339
Published April 2023
Oxford University Press
Vulnerability and Data Protection Law (eBook) ISBN 9780192697516
Published April 2023
Oxford University Press
Out of print
The Risk-Based Approach to Data Protection ISBN 9780198837718
Published October 2020
Oxford University Press
The Right to Erasure in EU Data Protection Law ISBN 9780198847977
Published April 2020
Oxford University Press