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Casebook on Tort Law 17th ed

ISBN13: 9780198874966
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780192893659
Published: January 2024
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £39.99

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All the leading cases, illuminated by Horsey & Rackley's trademark clear and lively commentary.

The essential companion for undergraduate tort law students, providing a comprehensive portable library of leading tort cases. Horsey & Rackley bring together a range of carefully edited extracts, combined with insightful commentary and annotated cases to help students identify and analyse the key elements.

  • The only text of its kind to provide a comprehensive collection of the leading tort law cases for undergraduates
  • Simple to navigate, pulling all key case law together into one easy-to-use volume which students can work through systematically or use to reference specific cases
  • Cases are accompanied by succinct author commentary highlighting the key elements of each case
  • Annotated cases help students understand and analyse material

New to this edition:

The seventeenth edition has been thoroughly revised to reflect recent developments in the law, including Fearn and others v The Board of Trustees of the Tate Gallery [2023] UKSC 4 on private nuisance, Riley v Murray Court of Appeal [2022] EWCA Civ 1146 on defamation, and Paul v Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust; Polmear v Royal Cornwall Hospital NHS Trust; Purchase v Ahmed [2022] EWCA Civ 12 on psychiatric harm.

Tort Law
2:Duty of care: basic principles
3:Special duty problems: omissions and acts of third parties
4:Special duty problems: psychiatric harm
5:Special duty problems: public bodies
6:Special duty problems: economic loss
7:Breach of duty: the standard of care
8:Causation and remoteness of damage
9:Defences to negligence
10:Occupiers' liability
11:Product liability
12:Breach of statutory duty
13:Intentional interferences with the person
14:Invasion of privacy
16:Trespass to land and nuisance
17:Actions under Rylands v Fletcher
18:Vicarious liability
19:Damages for death and personal injuries