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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Law for Social Workers 17th ed isbn 9780198903079

Law for Social Workers 16th ed

ISBN13: 9780198869924
New Edition ISBN: 9780198903079
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780198825982
Published: March 2021
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Also available as

Law for Social Workers has been supporting social work students and professionals for over 25 years. Written by an expert team with practical experience, this book provides the perfect combination of legal explanation and practical insight and is the ideal text to see students through their course and career. This edition continues to provide an accurate, jargon-free account of the law social workers need to know, with helpful diagrams and case studies included throughout to explain areas of difficulty and ensure understanding for students and professionals at all levels. It also includes the Social Worker's Toolkit, which offers practical advice on topics such as going to court, preparing evidence, and writing reports, providing the ideal support while on placement or in the workplace.

Care Standards, Family Law
Part I: The Legal Context of Social Work
1:The legal system in England and Wales
2:The roles and responsibilities of the social worker
3:Human rights law
4:Information sharing
Part II: Responsibilities Towards Children
5:The principles of children's law
6:Local authority support for children and families
7:Investigation and case planning
8:Applying to court
9:Long-term planning for children
10:Youth justice
Part III: Responsibilities Towards Adults
11:Adult social care
12:The legislative framework for the provision of adult social care and support
13:Managing adult social care
14:Mental capacity and adult safeguarding
15:The Court of Protection and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
16:Mental health and the law
The Social Worker's Toolkit