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The Law of EU External Relations: Cases, Materials, and Commentary on the EU as an International Legal Actor 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9780198869481
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780198757313
Published: January 2021
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £155.00
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9780198869498

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The third edition of this book incorporates more than 10 years of fascinating dynamics since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty. Apart from analysing the general basis of the Union's external action and its relationship to international law, the book explores the law and practice of the EU in more specialized fields of external action, such as common commercial policy, neighbourhood policy, development cooperation, cooperation with third countries, humanitarian aid, external environmental policy, and common foreign and security policy, as well as EU sanctions. Five years after the second edition published, this fully updated edition contains major developments within the law itself, along with changes and restructuring of the themes within the book.

Carefully selected primary documents are accompanied with analytic commentary on the issues they raise and their significance for the overall structure of EU external relations law. The primary materials selected include many important legal documents that are hard to find elsewhere but give a vital insight into the operation of EU external relations law in practice.

EU Law
1: Personality and Powers of the EU
2: International Representation of the EU
3: Treaty-Making Procedures
4: Mixed Agreements
5: The EU in Other International Organizations
6: EU Sanctions
7: Common Commercial Policy
8: Cooperation Policies Beyond Trade
9: External Environmental Policy
10: Common Foreign and Security Policy
11: The Status of International Law in the EU
12: International Agreements of the Member States