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The UK Competition Regime: A Twenty-Year Retrospective

Edited by: Barry Rodger, Peter Whelan, Angus MacCulloch

ISBN13: 9780198868026
Published: May 2021
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £112.50

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The UK competition law regime comprises primarily the Competition Act 1998 and the Enterprise Act 2002, supplemented by provisions introduced by the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 and the Consumer Rights Act 2015. The foundation of the modern framework of UK competition law, the Competition Act 1998, has entered its twentieth year of operation, having come into force on 1 March 2000. Since that particular date, UK competition law has developed significantly through both decisional practice and jurisprudence. It has also undergone a process of modernisation, including both institutional and substantive reform.

After the passage of an eventful twenty years of enforcement and reform, it is now an appropriate time to engage in a serious process of critical reflection on the current shape of the UK's competition regime and whether it is performing well its role of 'making markets work well for consumers'. With this context in mind, the book examines in a robust and critical manner the first twenty years of the operation of the UK's competition regime. It focuses on the main substantive and procedural issues and provides a comprehensive analysis of how the UK's contemporary competition regime has dealt with the challenges posed by these issues. By doing so, the book not only articulates those areas of competition law that are working well in the UK, but also those areas where further reflection, refinement and possible reform are required.

Competition Law
1:Towards a World Class Regime: An Overview of 20 Years of UK Competition Enforcement, Peter Freeman
2:Horizontal Agreements, Richard Whish
3:Vertical Agreements, Alison Jones
4:Exclusionary Abuses, Renato Nazzini
5:Exploitative Abuses, Robert O'Donoghue
6:'Jack of All Trades, Master of None': The Ever-Increasing Ambit of the Market Investigation Regime, Christian Ahlborn and Will Leslie
7:UK Merger Control: Finely Tailored but Time for a New Suit?, David Reader
8:Unfinished Reform of the Institutions Enforcing UK Competition Law, Bruce Lyons
9:Human Rights and the UK Competition Act: Public Enforcement and Due Process, Arianna Andreangeli
10:Concurrency, Niamh Dunne
11:The Emerging Contribution of Director Disqualification in UK Competition Law, Peter Whelan
12:Private Enforcement in the UK: Effective Redress for Consumers?, Barry Rodger
13:The Quiet Decline of the UK Cartel Offence: A Principled Victory in the Face of Practical Failure, Angus MacCulloch
14:Competition Law and the Digital Economy in the UK and Beyond, Liza Lovdahl Gormsen