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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
An Introduction to European Law 4th ed isbn 9780192885944

An Introduction to European Law 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9780198858942
New Edition ISBN: 9780192885944
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781107530324
Published: July 2020
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Offering the most thought-provoking introduction to EU law.

Written in a highly readable narrative style, the book provides students with a succinct yet sophisticated analysis of the core aspects of the subject, while also equipping them with the tools for further exploration. Figures and tables clarify complex ideas and processes, and a guide to finding and reading EU judgments offers valuable practical support. This carefully structured guide brings clarity to a broad and multifaceted subject.

  • Provides succinct coverage of the core elements of EU law
  • Written in an engaging narrative style that helps students to follow the development of the EU
  • Contains many useful figures and tables that help to clarify key ideas
  • Acts as a focused guide to the topics taught on EU law courses
  • An analytical approach equips students to take their studies forward in a sophisticated manner

New to this Edition:

A new chapter on Brexit, considering from the EU's perspective the unprecedented process when a Member State decides to leave the union. Updated throughout for optimum clarity and refreshed coverage of the core aspects of EU law.

EU Law
1: Union institutions
2: Union legislation
3: Union competences
4: Fundamental rights
5: Direct effect
6: (Legal) supremacy
7: National actions
8: European actions
9: Internal market: goods I
10: Internal market: goods II
11: Internal market: persons
12: Competition law: cartels
13: Challenges and crises