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The Oxford Guide to International Humanitarian Law

Edited by: Ben Saul, Dapo Akande

ISBN13: 9780198855316
Published: May 2020
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £55.00

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International humanitarian law is the law that governs the conduct of participants during armed conflict. This branch of law aims to regulate the means and methods of warfare as well as to provide protections to those who do not, or who no longer, take part in the hostilities. It is one of the oldest branches of international law and one of enduring relevance today.

The Oxford Guide to International Humanitarian Law provides a practical yet sophisticated overview of this important area of law. Written by a stellar line up of contributors, drawn from those who not only have extensive practical experience but who are also regarded as leading scholars of the subject, the text offers a comprehensive and authoritative exposition of the field. The Guide provides professionals and advanced students with information and analysis of sufficient depth to enable them to perform their tasks with understanding and confidence. Each chapter illuminates how the law applies in practice, but does not shy away from the important conceptual issues that underpin how the law has developed. It will serve as a first port of call and a regular reference work for those interested in international humanitarian law.

Public International Law
1: History and Sources, Jean-Marie Henckaerts
2: Classification of Armed Conflicts, Dapo Akande
3: Temporal and Geographic Reach of International Humanitarian Law, Emily Crawford
4: Domains of Warfare, Sarah McCosker
5: Persons Covered by International Humanitarian Law, Lawrence Hill-Cawthorne
6: Fundamental Guarantees, Rob McLaughlin
7: Basic Principles in the Conduct of Hostilities, Michael Schmitt
8: Specifically Protected Persons and Objects, Robin Geiss and Christophe Paulussen
9: Protection of the Natural Environment, Cymie Paine
10: Methods of Warfare, Nils Melzer and Gloria Gaggioli
11: Weapons, Stuart Casey-Maslen
12: Detention, Jelena Pejic
13: Occupation, Sylvain Vite
14: Humanitarian Relief Operations, Eve Massingham and Kelisiana Thynne
15: War Crimes, Robert Cryer
16: Implementation, David Turns
17: International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law, Marco Sassoli
18: International Humanitarian Law and Terrorism, Ben Saul