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International Project Finance 3rd ed (Book and Digital Pack)

Edited by: John Dewar

ISBN13: 9780198844204
Published: September 2019
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback & eBook
Price: £300.00

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Now in its third edition, International Project Finance is the definitive guide to legal and practical issues relating to international projects.

The book considers the application of English and New York law in cross-border documentation and legal and practical matters associated with running financing projects in civil law jurisdictions. Different sources of funding are also examined, such as banking and international bond documentation, and Islamic financing practice, in particular the use of Murabaha financing techniques and Sukuk (Islamic bond) market. This includes the legal and documentation issues arising from the use of such financing techniques and how they interact with each other from a legal and contractual perspective. Equally significant, the book provides analysis of project defaults and work-outs giving guidance on how to manage projects when these circumstances arise. The book also contains extensive coverage of dispute resolution in international projects. New to this edition is a chapter on development finance institutions covering the work of bodies such as the World Bank and the African Development Bank. This chapter explains the key roles played by these institutions in international project finance, especially in emerging markets. It covers the key policy issues and the impact of such policies on project finance documentation.

As well as addressing the basic principles which affect the structuring and documentation of project financings, the book also explains structural, legal and contractual differences between the various sectors such as transportation, infrastructure/Public Private Partnerships, conventional, renewable and nuclear power, mining, and oil and gas. Telcommunications, including broadband, are covered in more detail in a separate section for this edition.

This book provides the context of international project finance which underpins the understanding of legal analysis in this area. It includes detailed guidance on practical issues such as the identification and assessment of project risk, together with relevant documentation such as risk matrices and checklists covering both key project contracts and the major terms of a project financing. With its focus on international projects and emphasis on the practical application of the law, this book is an essential reference work for all practitioners in the field.

Construction Law, Banking and Finance
1: Legal Issues, Phillip Fletcher
2: Project Participants & Structuring, Aled Davies, Andrew Pendleton
3: Sources of Funding, Clive Ransome, Ben Pridgeon
4: Project Risks, John Dewar, Suzanne Szczetnikowicz, Jonathan Roberts
5: Allocation of Risks, John Dewar, Chris Taufatofua
6: Insurance, Martin Benatar, Munib Hussain
7: Principal Loan Documents, Patrick Holmes, Robert Thompson
8: Official Funding: Export Credit Agencies, Alexander Borisoff, Andrew Pendleton
9: Official Funding: Multilateral and Development Finance Agencies, John Dewar, Felicia Hanson Ofori-Quaah
10: Documentation of Project Bonds, Timothy Peterson, Rebecca Marques
11: Islamic Project Finance, John Dewar, Munib Hussain
12: Ancillary Finance Documents, Patrick Holmes, Robert Thompson
13: Project Finance in Civil Law Jurisdiction, Jean-Marie Cazali, Kilian de Cintre
International Projects - Sector Focus14:
A: Oil and Gas, Aled Davies, James Orme
B: Mining Projects, Alexander K. Borisoff, Manzer Ijaz, Emily Whittaker
C: Conventional Power, James J. Murray, Andrew Gibb
D: Renewable Energy, Allan T. Marks, Jenna Darler
E: Financing Nuclear Power Projects, Clive Ransome, Seyda Duman, Paul Murphy
F: Infrastructure/PPP, Allan T. Marks, Timothy Wendling
G: Telecommunications, John Dewar, Ben Pridgeon
15: Defaults and Workouts: Restructuring Project Financings, Nick Angel, Kate Coleman, Suzanne Szczetnikowicz
16: Dispute Resolution in Project Finance Transactions, Michael Nolan, Tom Canning, Erin Culbertson, Paul Kinninmont