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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Introduction to the English Legal System 15th ed isbn 9780198852926

Introduction to the English Legal System 2019-2020

ISBN13: 9780198838838
New Edition ISBN: 9780198852926
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780198818861
Published: May 2019
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Introduction to the English Legal System is the ideal foundation for those coming new to the study of law. Writing in a highly engaging and accessible style, Martin Partington introduces the purposes and functions of English law, the law-making process, and the machinery of justice, while also challenging assumptions and exploring current debates.

Consolidating over 40 years' experience in the law, Martin Partington examines beliefs about the English legal system, and encourages students to question how far it meets the growing demands placed on it. Incorporating all the latest developments, this concise introduction brings law and the legal system to life.

Online resources:

This book is accompanied by online resources, including: questions for reflection and discussion; multiple choice questions; a glossary; further reading materials; web links; and a link to Martin Partington's blog, which covers key developments in the English justice system.

English Legal System
1: Introduction: aims, themes, and structure
2: Law and society: the purposes and functions of law
3: Law-making: authority and process
4: Shaping the legal system: the role of government
5: The criminal justice system
6: The administrative justice system
7: The family justice system
8: The civil and commercial justice systems
9: Delivering legal services: practitioners, adjudicators, and legal scholars
10: Funding legal services
11: The transformation of the English legal system: pressures and challenges