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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Casebook on Tort Law 16th ed isbn 9780192893659

Kidner's Casebook on Torts 15th ed

ISBN13: 9780198830887
New Edition ISBN: 9780192893659
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780198785279
Published: August 2019
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Kidner's Casebook on Torts is the essential companion for undergraduate tort law students, providing a comprehensive portable library of leading cases in the field.

Kirsty Horsey and Ericka Rackley, authors of the best-selling tort law textbook, combine their talents again to update Kidner's popular casebook; bringing together an impressive range of carefully edited extracts and combining insightful commentary with questions and annotated cases to help your students identify and analyse the key elements of each case.

Online resources

The text is supported by online resources which provide a comprehensive suite of resources, including downloadable annotated cases, flashcard glossary, and web links and video clips of current items.

Tort Law
1: Introduction

Part I. The Tort of Negligence
2: Duty of care: basic principles
3: Special duty problems: omissions and acts of third parties
4: Special duty problems: psychiatric harm
5: Special duty problems: public bodies
6: Special duty problems: economic loss
7: Breach of duty: the standard of care
8: Causation and remoteness of damage
9: Defences to negligence

Part II. Special Liability Regimes
10: Occupiers' liability
11: Product liability
12: Breach of statutory duty

Part III. The Personal Torts
13: Intentional interferences with the person
14: Invasion of privacy
15: Defamation

Part IV. The Land Torts
16: Trespass to land and nuisance
17: Actions under the rule in Rylands v Fletcher

Part V. Liability, Damages and Limitations
18: Vicarious liability
19: Damages for death and personal injuries