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Sealy & Worthington's Text, Cases & Materials in Company Law 12th ed

ISBN13: 9780198830092
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780198722052
Published: July 2022
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £52.99

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Sealy & Worthington's Text, Cases, & Materials in Company Law clearly explains the fundamental structure of company law and provides a concise exploration of each different aspect of the subject. The materials are carefully selected and well supported by commentary so that the logic of the doctrinal or legal argument is unambiguously shown. Notes and questions appear periodically throughout the text to provoke ongoing analysis and debate and enable students to test their understanding of the issues as the topics unfold.

This text covers a wide range of sources and provides intelligent and thought provoking commentary in a succinct format. It will be invaluable to all those looking for expert observations and vital materials on company law.

  • Highly praised balance of case extracts with strong interlinking author commentary, providing students with both the primary sources and the analysis to fully understand the subject
  • Takes students through the fundamental structure of the subject with logical progression of topics, helping to build a full picture of how the areas within company law link together for those new to the subject
  • Provides a clear and concise introduction to each different aspect of company law so that the purpose of relevant rules is clear and related difficulties are put into context
  • Includes critical notes and challenging questions that test understanding and provoke debate
  • Provides a structured way to gain confidence and familiarity in reading from case reports
  • Also available as an e-book with functionality and navigation features

New to this Edition:

  • Improved chapter order and location of materials, but the same highly praised balance of case extracts with strong interlinking author commentary
  • New cases on piercing the veil, unfair prejudice, parent company liability, attribution, markets, authority of agents, distributions, and many more.
  • Coverage of new legislative/policy measures, including UK Corporate Governance Code 2018, Wates Corporate Gove Principles for Large Private Companies 2018, Stewardship Code 2020, Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020, and more

Company Law
1:The company and its incorporation
2:Corporate personality and limited liability
3:Corporate activity and legal liability
4:Shareholders as an organ of the company
5:The board of directors as an organ of the company
6:Corporate governance
7:Directors' duties
8:Legal remedies for maladministration of the company
9:Company auditors
11:Raising equity capital from shareholders
12:Distributions to shareholders and capital maintenance
13:Raising debt capital: borrowing, debentures and charges
14:Public disclosure, market regulation and public investigations of companies
15:Reconstructions, mergers and takeovers
16:Rescue and insolvency procedures