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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Commercial Law 4th ed isbn 9780192895653

Commercial Law 3rd Ed

ISBN13: 9780198825975
New Edition ISBN: 9780192895653
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780198729358
Published: April 2019
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

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Commercial Law offers a fresh, modern, and stimulating exploration of this diverse and fascinating area of law.

The text provides thorough coverage of all key aspects of the syllabus, including the law of agency, the sale of goods, international trade, and methods of payment, finance, and security.

This coverage is enhanced through a range of novel learning features, including examples, definitions, and diagrams, that encourage understanding and demonstrate how the principles behind the law are applied in practical transactions.

Online Resources

This text is accompanised by online resources, including bonus chapters on insurance law, consumer credit, competition law, commercial ADR, and the Convention on the International Sale of Goods, multiple choice questions, answer guidance for the questions in the textbook, further reading, glossary flashcards, a referencing guide.

Commercial Law
An Introduction to Commercial Law
1: An introduction to commercial law
2: Personal property
The Law of Agency
3: An introduction to the law of agency
4: The creation of the agency relationship
5: The authority of an agent
6: Relations between principal and agent
7: Relations between principal and third party
8: Relations between agent and third party
9: Termination of agency
The Law Relating to the Domestic Sale of Goods
10: An introduction to the sale of goods
11: Transfer of property and risk
12: Transfer of title
13: Perishing of goods
14: Delivery and payment
15: The statutory implied terms
16: Remedies of the seller
17: Remedies of the buyer
18: Product liability
The Law Relating to the International Sale of Goods
19: Introduction to international sales and documentation
20: International trade terms
21: Contracts of carriage of goods by sea
22: Marine cargo insurance
Methods of Payment Security and Finance
23: Legal aspects of money and payment
24: Documentary payments
25: Security interests in property
26: Forms of title-based financing