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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations 9th ed isbn 9780192898142

The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations 8th ed

Edited by: John Baylis, Steve Smith, Patricia Owens

ISBN13: 9780198825548
New Edition ISBN: 9780192898142
Published: December 2019
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

The Globalization of World Politics, the bestselling introduction to international relations, offers the most comprehensive coverage of the key theories and global issues in world politics.

The eighth edition engages with contemporary global challenges, featuring a brand new chapter on Refugees and Forced Migration and updated coverage of decolonization to ensure the book continues to cover those topics that will define the key issues in IR into the future.

Tailored pedagogical features help readers to evaluate key IR debates and apply theory and concepts to real world events. A fully updated Opposing Opinions feature facilitates critical and reflective debate on contemporary policy challenges, from decolonising universities to debates over migration and the state.

Leading scholars in the field introduce readers to the history, theory, structures and key issues in IR, providing students with an ideal introduction and a constant guide throughout their studies.

New to this Edition:

  • New chapter 25 on Refugees and Forced Migration by Professor Ariadna Estévez López, University of Mexico encourages students to critically engage with cutting-edge research on this vital topic
  • Incorporation of postcolonial and decolonial approaches in Chapter 10 by Dr Meera Sabaratnam, SOAS University of London, critically explores the limitations inherent within existing theoretical approaches to IR
  • Newly authored Chapter 31 on Human Rights encourages students to think critically about key issues within the field and consider whether human rights are universal
  • Expanded coverage of non-Western approaches, particularly perspectives from the global South, are woven throughout chapters to ensure students appreciate the importance of viewing international relations from representative and varied perspectives
  • Updated IR theory chapters reflect a more contextualised and historical perspective, allowing students to gain a thorough, nuanced understanding of the historical and political context in which these approaches emerged
  • Updated Opposing Opinions features facilitate critical and reflective debate on contemporary policy challenges, from campaigns to decolonise the curriculum to debates over open borders and migration

Public International Law
Part One: International Relations in a Global Era
1. Globalization and global politics
Part Two: The Historical Context
2. The rise of modern international order
3. International history of the twentieth century
4. From the end of the cold war to a new world dis-order?
5. Rising powers and the emerging global order
Part Three: Theories of World Politics
6. Liberal Internationalism
7. Marxist theories of international relations
8. Realism
9. Feminism
10. Postcolonial and decolonial approaches
11. Poststructuralism
12. Social Constructivism
13. International ethics
Part Four: Structures and Processes
14. War and world politics
15. International and global security
16. Global political economy
17. Gender
18. Race in world politics
19. International law
20. International organisations in world politics
21. The United Nations
22. NGOs in world politics
23. Regionalism in international affairs
Part Five: International Issues
24. Environmental issues
25. Refugees and forced migration
26. Poverty, hunger, and development
27. Global trade and global finance
28. Terrorism and globalisation
29. Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
30. Nationalism, national self-determination and international relations
31. Human rights
32. Humanitarian intervention in world politics