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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
A Practical Approach to Civil Procedure 22nd ed isbn 9780198838593

A Practical Approach to Civil Procedure 21st ed

ISBN13: 9780198823100
New Edition ISBN: 9780198838593
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780198787570
Published: June 2018
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Trusted by generations of students and litigators, A Practical Approach to Civil Procedure is a classic text which guides you through the maze of procedural requirements utilized by the civil courts.

Written by an expert in the field, and co-editor of Blackstone's Civil Practice, this book is unrivalled in its detail of the various stages of a civil claim, making it essential reading for students and newly qualified litigators alike.

Taking a thoroughly practical focus throughout, the book charts the progress of a typical civil litigation claim, from funding litigation and issuing and serving proceedings, through to trial, enforcement, and appeal. Full coverage of alternative dispute resolution is also included.

Relevant sample documentation is featured throughout and introduces the reader to the forms and documents which will be encountered in practice, while key point summaries featured at the end of chapters highlight the essential points covered.

New to this Edition:-

  • Fully revised to incorporate the latest changes to the Civil Procedure Rules
  • New coverage of the introduction of the Business and Property Courts, as well as the Online Court
  • Additional discussion on the replacement of the Mercantile Court with the Circuit Commercial Court
  • Expanded coverage of recent case law to ensure a highly up-to-date resource, such as Barton v Wright Hassall LLP [2018] and Goldtrail Travel Ltd v Onur Air Tasimacilik SA [2017]

Courts and Procedure
1: Introduction
2: Funding litigation
3: The civil courts
4: Overriding objective and human rights
5: Pre-action protocols
6: Issuing and serving
7: Renewal of process
8: Part 8 claims and petitions
9: Low value road traffic accident claims
10: Alternative dispute resolution
11: Service outside the jurisdiction
12: Responding to a claim
13: Default judgment
14: Statements of case
15: Track allocation and case management
16: Costs management
17: Costs capping and protection
18: Requests for further information
19: Parties and joinder
20: Additional claims under Part 20
21: Limitation
22: Amendment
23: Interim applications
24: Summary judgment
25: Interim payments
26: Security for costs
27: Small claims track
28: Fast track
29: Multi-track
30: Striking out, discontinuance, and stays
31: Disclosure
32: Witness statements and affidavits
33: Hearsay
34: Admissions and documentary evidence
35: Experts
36: Offers to settle
37: Sanctions
38: Listing and pre-trial reviews
39: Trial
40: References to the Court of Justice of the European Union
41: Judgments and orders
42: Interim injunctions
43: Freezing injunctions
44: Search orders
45: Norwich Pharmacal and related disclosure orders
46: Costs
47: Qualified one-way costs shifting
48: Enforcement
49: Judicial review
50: Appeals