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ICSID: An Introduction to the Convention and Centre

ISBN13: 9780198821533
Published: March 2020
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £48.99

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Based on the author's authoritative Hague Lectures on ICSID, this comprehensive commentary on ICSID and the ICSID Convention arbitration provides a detailed introduction to the world's leading institution devoted to international investment dispute settlement.

Fully up-to-date as of September 2019, this book presents a full and accessible picture of an increasingly important dispute settlement mechanism. The author delves into the origins and evolutions of the Convention and Centre and its jurisdiction, then navigates the reader through the process of arbitration proceedings under the Convention, applicable law, and the enforcement of Convention awards.

ICSID: An Introduction to the Convention and Centre is an authoritative, essential guide for students, practitioners, policymakers, investors, NGO activists, and journalists with an interest in investor-state dispute settlement.